Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Partial traffic cut in Constitución Avenue number 35

On Sunday 24 June will be partial traffic cut in Constitución Avenue 35 between 8:00 and 18:00 hours.

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-24

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Traffic cut in María Amaya La Gazpacha Street

On 24 June from 9:00 hours takes place traffic cut due to the celebration of sport race Milla Urbana del Parque Nueva Granada.

2018-06-21 - 2018-06-24

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III Night Race in the Alhambra

On 23 June from 21:00 hours takes place the III Night Race in the Alhambra.

2018-06-06 - 2018-06-23

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Holy Parade 23 June

On 23 June at 21:15 hours takes place this parade.

2018-06-14 - 2018-06-23

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Holy Parade 23 June

Holy parade takes place on Saturday 23 June at 20:00 hours.

2018-06-18 - 2018-06-23

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Total traffic cut in Concepción de Zafra

There will be half and hour intermittent traffic cuts in Concepción de Zafra between 7:00 and 11:00 hours until 20 June 2018.

2017-07-05 - 2018-06-20

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Total traffic cut in Corral del Veleta Street

Total traffic cut will be in Corral del Veleta Street (between Iris and Los Peñones de San Francisco Street) from 8:30 and 18:00 hours on 20 June 2018.

2018-06-11 - 2018-06-20

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Traffic cut in the underpass of Andalucía Avenue

On 20 june between 10:30 and 13:30 hours takes place partial traffic cut in the underpass of Andalucía Avenue inn junction with highway A44, affecting left lane of the road towards Granada.

2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20

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Total traffic cut in Duquesa Street

On 18 June between 15:30 and 20:00 hours takes place total traffic cut in Duquesa Street (between Gran Capitán and Cuenca Streets).

2018-06-11 - 2018-06-18

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Motorbike routes 15 and 17 June

There routes takes place on 15 June at 20:00 hours, and on 17 June at 10:00 hours respectively.

2018-06-13 - 2018-06-17

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Demonstration 16 June

On 16 June takes place this demonstration from 12:00 to 14:00 hours.

2018-06-13 - 2018-06-16

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Demonstration 15 June

From 12:30 hours of 15 June and ending aproximately at 14:30 hours takes place this demonstration.

2018-06-13 - 2018-06-15

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Total traffic cut in Santa Fé Street

On Tuesday 12 June between 9:30 and 18:00 hours takes place total traffic cut in Santa Fe Street.

2018-06-11 - 2018-06-12

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Partial traffic cut in Barcelona Avenue

There will be partial traffic cut in Barcelona Ave.(in junction with Cádiz Ave.) and in Cádiz Ave.(in front of buildings numbers 41 and 53), on Sunday 10 and on Monday 11 June 2018 from 08:00 hours to las 18:00 hours.

2018-06-08 - 2018-06-11

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Night partial traffic cuts in Gran Vía 4

There will be partial traffic cuts in Gran Vía 4 until 10 June 2018 from 00:00 to 7:00 hours.

2018-04-16 - 2018-06-10

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Holy Parade Corazón de Jesús

On 10 June from church of San Rafael celebrates the Holy Parade of Corazón de Jesús at 18:00 hours.

2018-05-09 - 2018-06-10

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IX Women´s Race

On 10 June takes place the IX Women´s Race at 9:00 hours in the morning.

2018-06-04 - 2018-06-10

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Holy Parade María Santísima de la Merced

On 9 June takes place Holy Parade of María Santísima de la Merced from 19:30 hours.

2018-05-09 - 2018-06-09

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Holy Parade Corpus of the church Santo Ángel Custodio

On 9 June takes place Holy Parade Corpus of the church Santo Ángel Custodio at 21:30 hours.

2018-05-09 - 2018-06-09

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Holy Parade Corpus of the Realejo

On 3 June from 10:45 hours celebrates the Holy Parade Corpus of the Realejo, ending aproximately at 12:00 hours.

2018-04-11 - 2018-06-03

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Celebration of Corpus Christi in Granada 3 June

On Saturday 3 June takes place in Granada various parades due to the celebration of the Corpus Christi.

2018-05-29 - 2018-06-03

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Carriage Competition.

On 27 May at 12:00 hours takes place the Carriage Competition.

2018-05-25 - 2018-05-27

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Holy Parade María Auxiliadora de la Alhambra

On 26 May at 18:30 hours starting at hogar Ángel Ganivet, and ending aproximately at 23:45 hours.

2018-04-25 - 2018-05-26

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Rosario vespertino Nuestra Señora de la Luz

On 26 May takes place this parade at 21:00 hours.

2018-05-21 - 2018-05-26

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Commemorative event of Mariana Pineda

Due to commemorative events of the anniversary of the death of Mariana Pineda there will be an entourage starting from plaza del Carmen.

2018-05-24 - 2018-05-26

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Demonstration 26 May

On 26th May between 12:00 and 14:00 hours takes place this demonstration.

2018-05-24 - 2018-05-26

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Holy Parade María Auxiliadora

On 24 May at 19:50 takes place Holy Parade María Auxiliadora.

2018-05-21 - 2018-05-24

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Back of Hermandad del Rocío

On Thursday 24 May from 21:00 hours the Hermandad del Rocío returns to its church.

2018-05-23 - 2018-05-24

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Vía Lucis María Santísima de la Concepción

On 19 May at 18:30 hours takes place the celebration of Vía Lucis of María Santísima de la Concepción.

2018-04-11 - 2018-05-19

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Holy Parade 19 May

Parade takes place on 19 May at 18:30 hours.

2018-04-24 - 2018-05-19

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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