Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Vía Lucis 19 May

Vía Lucis takes place on 19 May at 18:30 hours.

2018-05-14 - 2018-05-19

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Traffic cut in Picos de Europa Street

There will be traffic cut in Picos de Europa Street (in the facade of buildings number 4 and 6) on 17 May between 10:00 and 12:00 hours.

2018-05-14 - 2018-05-17

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Provisional listing of candidates for the examination of taxi driver license

Provisional listing of candidatetes for the examination to obtain municipal license of taxi driver in the city of Granada, date and venue the exam.

2018-04-16 - 2018-05-16

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Parade 15 May

On 15 May from 12:45 hours takes place this parade.

2018-05-09 - 2018-05-15

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Vía Lucis Esperanza

On 13 May from 9:00 hours takes place the parade Vía Lucis de la Esperanza, returning from 12:15 hours from the church of San Juan de los Reyes to its church (14:00 hours)

2018-04-24 - 2018-05-13

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Holy Parade Virgen de Fátima

On 13rd May takes place celebration of the Holy Parade of Virgen de Fátima from its sanctuary.

2018-05-09 - 2018-05-13

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Rosario de la Aurora María Santísima de la Aurora

On 12 May at 9 hours in the morning and ending aproximately at 11 hours, takes place this Rosario de la Aurora.

2018-02-19 - 2018-05-12

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Passacaglia 11 May

Passacaglia takes place on 11 May at 18:00 hours.

2018-04-27 - 2018-05-11

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Schedule modifications on bus lines N3 and N9

From 26 April departure times on working days for bus lines N3 and N9 modificate.

2018-04-26 - 2018-05-10

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Child parade 6 May

Child parade takes place on 6 may from 12:00 hours in the morning, ending at 14:00 hours aproximately.

2018-04-09 - 2018-05-06

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Demonstration 5 May

On 5 May from 11:30 to 14:30 hours takes place demonstration.

2018-05-02 - 2018-05-05

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Popular festivities district of San Francisco Javier

Del 29 de abril al 3 de mayo se realiza corte de tráfico en calle San Fernando (desde el cruce con san Basilio). Los días 27 de abril y 4 de mayo se realizarán cortes para montaje y desmontaje desde las 0:00 horas.

2018-04-26 - 2018-05-04

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Popular festivities district Cruz 2018

From 29th April to 3rd May will be traffic cut in Argentinita Avenue, between Luis Miranda Dávalos Avenue and Sol y Sombra Street. On 27 April and 4th May will be traffic cuts for the assembling and dismantling works since 0:00 hours.

2018-04-26 - 2018-05-04

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Child parade 3rd May

On 3rd May at 10:00 hours takes place child parade.

2018-05-02 - 2018-05-03

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Partial traffic cut in urban bus stop in Acera del Darro 9

Until 2 May at 7:00 hours pavement on the bus stop is being repared, leaving two free lanes of circulation.

2018-04-23 - 2018-05-02

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Traffic cut in Buenos Aires street

On 2 May from 15:30 to 22:00 hours takes place traffic cut in Buenos Aires street between Virgen Blanca and Rivadavia streets.

2018-05-02 - 2018-05-02

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Rosario de la Aurora María Santísima de las Penas

On 1st May at 7:30 hours takes place the Rosario de la Aurora de María Santísima de las Penas.

2018-04-10 - 2018-05-01

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Child Vía Lucis

This parade takes place on 1st May at 11:30 hours.

2018-04-25 - 2018-05-01

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Parade 1st May

On the 1st of May at 20:30 hours takes place parade.

2018-04-27 - 2018-05-01

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Demonstrations 1st May

On 1st May and due to Labor Day Holiday there are three demonstrations:

2018-04-27 - 2018-05-01

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Reservation of parking area in Azhuma Street

Reservation of parking area will be in Azhuma Street from Mulhacen Street towards Pintor Zuloaga Street until 30 April 2018.

2018-01-04 - 2018-04-30

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Total traffic cut in Tierra del Fuego street

On 30 April between 8:00 and 14:00 hours takes place total traffic cut in Tierra del Fuego street between streets Iguazú and Virgen Blanca.

2018-04-24 - 2018-04-30

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Event: Zaidín Haciendo Barrio

On 29 April, from 10:00 to 14:00 hours, will be traffic cut in Don Bosco Avenue, between Dilar Avenue and Andrés Segovia, and the parking area is reserved as well, for the celebration fo the event Zaidín Haciendo Barrio.

2018-04-26 - 2018-04-29

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Passacaglia 29 April

On 29 April at 18:00 hours celebrates passacaglia, starting at Constitución Avenue (at the high of Andaluces Avenue) and ending at jardines del Triunfo, always following the boulevard.

2018-04-27 - 2018-04-29

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Traffic cut in Capuchinas Street

The nights of 25 to 2April,between 22:00 and 7:00 hours, will be traffic cut in Capuchinas Street, between Plaza Trinidad and Pescadería.

2018-04-25 - 2018-04-27

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Traffic cuts in Constitucion Avenue and Acera del Triunfo

On the morning of 27 April will be partial traffic cut in Constitucion Avenue and total traffic cut during all morning Acera del Triunfo.

2018-04-26 - 2018-04-27

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Traffic cut in Alondra Street

On the night of 25 to 26 April from 05:30 hours to 07:30 hours in Alondra St number 9(section between Tórtola and Halcón Streets), there will be traffic cut.

2018-04-25 - 2018-04-26

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Partial traffic cut in Dr. Olóriz street

From 8:00 hours of 22 April until 7:00 hours of 23 April 2018 takes place partial traffic cut in Dr. Olóriz street (corner with Dr. Adelardo Mora street).

2018-04-09 - 2018-04-23

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Traffic cut in Divina Pastora

Traffic cut will be between 16:00 hours of Friday 20 April and 7:00 hours of Monday 23 April.

2018-04-16 - 2018-04-23

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Total traffic cut in Niños Luchando street

On 21 and 22 April from 8:00 to 20:00 hours takes place total traffic cut in Niños Luchando street(between Cocheras de Santa Paula and Encarnación square)

2018-04-19 - 2018-04-22

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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