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III Intergenerational and Intercultural Conferences of Road Safety

Intergenerational and Intercultural Conferences of Road Safety  in Granada 2014.

The January 30, 2014 have been celebrated in the Red Cross Headquarters in Granada these conferences of Road Safety, organised by the City Council in Granada, the Red Cross and the Ilustrious Official Association of Psychologist.


The traffic accidents are a world public sanity problem, being a high risk group eldery and joung people.

In Granada, after the diagnosis made by the Local Road Safety Plan, we are able to constitute as transport´s risk groups in Granada:

  • Pedestrians: outrages represent the 20% of the accident with injured in the city, and imply more seriousness of the damages.People involved in these kind of outrages are people above 65 years.
  • Cyclists and motorcyclists, represent the 40% of vehicles involved in accidents and imply the half of deads and two third parts of serious injured.
  • Schoolchilds, a very vulnerable collective and of relevance in prevention.

III Conferences for young and eldery of different cultures

For the third year there have been organised a Road Safety Conferences with the Red Cross and the Official Association of Psychologist where eldery and young have learn togheter their risk behaviours that may imply traffic accidents and also how to prevent and make safer displacements.

The presentation was presided over the President of the Red Cross, Mr. Escribano, the Dean of the Official Association of Psychologist Mrs. M.M. Vera and the Representative of the Citizen´s Protection and Mobility Representative of the City Council in Granada, Mrs. Telesfora Ruiz.

Conferences 2014. Eldery. Intercultural. Road Safety. Granada

After that, specialists of the Red Cross and the City Council of Granada, both psycologists, gave workrooms where they shared and worked with togheter with some messages for young people as: consumption of alcohol, speed , mobile phones, helmet... and the eldery: lapses, lose of some abilities and how to balance them, the consumption of medicines and its consequences... With a high involvement of both collectives with subjects relatives to Road Safety.

Conferences 2014. Eldery. Intercultural. Road Safety. Granada

When it finished, they had been given material made by the Local Educational Road Safety Center aimed to both groups: posters and notebooks for the eldery and panflets about alcohol and markers promoting night buses on weekends for the young people.

Conferences 2014. Eldery. Intercultural. Road Safety. Granada

The assistance and participation was very very high with high demand for the continuity and frequency of these initiatives.

Each age imply their own risks. Road Safety. Granada


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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