The informative module will affect in the protection of the cyclists and his normative obligations inside the road safety.
The cyclists will circulate along Granada with more safety. Thanks to the impulse of the Granada's City Hall, the driving schools of the city and the neighboring towns will give a formative module directed exclusively the bicycle riders. It is a proposal of the municipal Mobility Area that will facilitate the neccesary formation in order that the pupils of the formative centers road receive formation on how to circulate in bycicle and to act before the cyclists presence in the route
The council of Citizien Protection and Mobility of Granada's City Hall, Telesfora Ruíz, has emphasiced that the initiative completes the program formation of the Municipal Center in road education, on having extended his modules to sectors of age that they find out of the strictly school section, both that completes the road formation of future drivers
In this respect, it has explain that the course goes both to the cyclistas as to the drivers of cars in order that they circulate in conformity with the procedure of road safety
During the signature of agreement, Telesfora Ruíz has specified thet the formative module will give in near hundred Granada and neighboring towns' driving schools in a space of two months
Granada's President of Driving School Asociations , Mr. José Blas, has guaranteed that the formative course is free and it will join across a module of two theorical hours to obtain the driving licence.
In Granada, according to the last report of the area of Mobility, 50% of the displacements carry out afoot, of there the importance, according to Ruíz, to awareness the cyclists, - who suppose 0,5% of the displacements, of respecting the procedure of road safety in order to improve the safety of the pedestrians
The news in other means:
Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada