The closure of the course 2014/15 was on 18 june, presided by the Major of Granada,the Metropolitan Chief of Traffic, the Council of Citizens protection and Mobility and the Council of Education.
One more year we meet in this Assembly Room to celebrate the closure of the educational activities related with such an important thing in our city as their Road Safety is.
The City Council of Granada, has always assumed a big responsability with everything related with Road Safety: joining to the Social Contract for Road Safety subscribed in the Senate and the joining to the European Charter of Fundamental Rights of Pedestrians, Ponle Freno Award 2012, Urban Road Safety 2012 sponsored by the Department of Traffic (DGT).
In Granada, most of all between the children population, youth and elderly, Road Safety and to motivate ways of displacement more susbtainable and healthy,is not a pending subject because it is something worked every day, however we must continue teaching to improve quality of life in our urban space.
So we have many promising factors:
- Almost the entirety of schools and high schools in Granada applicate for the educational activities that the City Council offers through the Educational Road Safety Center, also NGO´s requests them in the summer time.
- The educational measures are taking effect between grenadines: accidents of young people driving mopeds have decreased, the use of helmet is almost implemented, ways of displacement more substainable and healthier are increasing: bicycle and pedestrian displacements mostly.
- The overall assessment of the teachers of the activities offered, is always positive and with brand new expansion proposals for all courses of Primary, and Secondary School, High School and Preparatory Training.
- 4. The evaluation of the Schol Year 2014/ 2015 is:
Applicant Centers | 90 |
Total of students | 11.661 |
Activities that closure today:
- Certificate Ceremony:
- School Traffic Regulators.
Schools joining are:
Ntra. Sra. del Rosario, Santa Marta, Divino Maestro, Arrayanes
Total of students : 43
- Our gratitude for the Educational Centers that cooperated with the City Council in the celebration and joining of Granada to the III Worldwide Week of Road Safety (United Nations) :
Schools: Sierra Elvira y Ave Mª Casa Madre
- Awards Ceremony of the Drawing Contest Once upon a time a bus in its XXI edition. (Sponsored by the company of public transport TRANSPORTES ROBER)
- Total of Centers Joiners: 55
- Total of students: 1.405
- Visit of the Drawing exhibition, in the Patio of the City Council, with free popcorn.
- Presentation of the Campaign Por un espacio Publico más Humano en Granada, widespread on buses with panels.
The aim of this campaign is to spread ideas of the children and young people, captured in the drawings of the winners of this Contest.
School Regulators Certificates
Drawing Contest Awards Ceremony
Diploma Gratitude Ceremony
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