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New Bus Pass for Disabled People

María Francés y Fernando Egea presentan el nuevo credibús para personas con discapacidad en Granada

City of Granada has started a new bus pass for disabled people. To be beneficiary of these special fares applicant must be registered in the city of Granada and confirm a degree of disability of 65% or higher.


The City Council of Granada has started a new special bus pass fares for disabled people, a measure that, in words of the council of Citizen´s Protection and Mobility, María Francés, mean a big new and proof a bet for quality of public transport and the firm determination of incluiding proposals to improve accesibility, mobility and barriers removal.

Thereon, the council of Mobility and the council of Social Welfare, Fernando Egea, have informed that these are two measures to ease as much as possible the access to public transport for disabled people. In detail, there have been settled an special fares for this group. There have been approved two types of fares, first one, fare 0 euros, for those people who fulfill general requirements stablished by the City Council of Granada and proving that they don´t recieve income of any nature higher than the current public income indicator of multiple effects (IPREM), this is, higher than 532,51€/month.

From the other side, a fare of 0,57 euros for those people that fulfill general requirements stablished by the City Council of Granada and proving that they don´t recieve income of any nature 1,5 times higher than the current public income indicator of multiple effects (IPREM), this is, higher than 798,76€/month.

General requirements to be beneficiary of these fares are being registered in the City of Granada and certificate a degree of disability equal or higher than 65 %.

You can check all the information about credibús para personas con discapacidad.

credibus transporte urbano de Granada para personas con discapacidad

As Fernando Egea says, this measure complement others already settled on by the City Council to have a more comfortable city for grenadines and, in particular, to ease inclusion and accessibility in society of this social group.

The council of Mobility has explained that the validity of this bus pass will be linked to the stablished, in this case,in the certificate of degree of disability, and consequently, to the validity indefinitely or temporary of the proved disability.

On the other hand, Fernando Egea has encouraged those people that can be beneficiary of these fares to come to the Family and Social Welfare Area of the City Council of Granada, in the Administrative Complex of Mondragones, to apply and manage these resources.According to data provided by the Junta de Andalucía, in the city of Granada, a sum of 4,523 people have a disability degree equal or higher than 65%.

In this informative session, also Mª Ángeles López, vice-president of the local council of disabled people, - that agglutinate a sum of 40 associations in the city -, has congratulated the adcance made with this new bus pass, and invited other grenadian towns to join this initiative.

Tríptico bono discapacidad


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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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