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European Mobility Week 2024

Presentation European Mobility Week 2024 Granada

The City Council of Granada celebrates from 16 to 22 September the European Mobility Week that includes a wide programme of activities.



The City Council of Granada celebrates this September a new edition of the European Mobility Week including a wide programme of activities to raise awareness on citizens about the use of private car in the city, and show the benefits of use of sustainable transport, improve quality of air and encourage people- focused infrastructures. With the slogan Combina y Muévete theme chosen by European Commision this year is Espacio Público Compartido.

The Classic night bike race planned in cooperation with Balakook on Friday 20 starting at Paseo del Salón and free delivery of pizza for participants at the endo of route or guided route Granada de Cine, which is a novelty included within the celebration of Goya Awards Ceremony, due on 19 Thursday, are some of the proposals that this city offer from 16 to 22 September. A very complete programme with exhibitions, sport exhibitions, workshops, guided routes or conferences.

This year, as novelty. batteries of electric and hybrid vehicles can be charged for free during all week in Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Arabial, Nuevo Los Cármenes and El Violón parkings, thanks to the agreement of the City Council with Telpark, the managing company of these parkings. It is only required to download Telpark app previously.

Alsi, due to the celebration of Car Fre Day, streets Reyes Católicos and Gran Vía will be closed to traffic on Sunday 22, between 10:30 in the morning and 14:00 in the afternoon, to ease the participation of citizens on these cultural, leisure and sport events organised by the City Council of Granada..

The programme, presented this morning in the City Council by the Mayoress, Marifrán Carazo, and the delegate of Junta de Andalucía in Granada, Antonio Granados, begins on Monday 16, at five o´clock in the afternoon, in Plaza del Carmen, from where begins urban guided route Acequia Real de la Alhambra, organised by the City Council in cooperation with Granalpina. At the same time, in Paseo del Salón, will take place a skate workshop, for kids and adults by stell & couver board shop.

The following day, Tuesday, togheter with an exhibition about public transport, the City Council has proposed, in cooperation with Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos de la Universidad de Granada, a guided route on foot around Granada Built Environmental influence in the perception of insecurity and preference of walking from a gender perspective. The itinerary starts at Hermanitas de los Pobres in Gran Capitán

Electrical vehicles exhibition, skate routes for adults, or driving bus simulator complete the programme for 18 and 19. On Friday September 20, bus lines 8 and 11, and also all metropolitan transfers, will be free to boost the use of public transport, as Carazo said. Also, this Friday, togheter with the Classic night bike route, the City Council has organised in cooperation with a guided route with Granalpina Aljibes del Albaicín. It takes place at five o´clock from the main door of church Santa Ana.

On Saturday 21 takes place the event Tu calle-Tu espacio where combines goals of European Mobility Week and urban projects Cities@Heart and Let’s Go Circular from the project URBACT IV (FEDER), to encourage citizen coexistence in San Juan de Dios area with workshops and participative games.

The culminationo of this programme takes place on Sunday 22, matching with the celebration of Car Free Day. For such this occassion, the City Council has scheduled a closure of traffic in Reyes Católicos and Gran Vía, that between 10,30 and 21,00 hours will be the scenario of cultural, leisure and sport activities in the morning, togheter with Ruta Ciclista Granada, that takes place at 12,00 hours starting at Fuente de las Batallas and will follow along the city.

Among programmed activities over the week, the mayoresss has remarked the contest school Eco-Movilidad: award of good manners aimed to child, primary and secondary school centers

On the presentation of the programme, Marifrán Carazo, has remarked the need of promote new habits of displacements in the city towards more sustainable modes -on foot, bicycle, public transport or personal mobility vehicles (PMV)- redesignig, among all, a public space with safer streets and school itineraries, a system of active mobility that offers protection to those more vulnerable. In the end, a model of more sustainable displacement model, less pollutioning that contribute to improve quality of life of persons.

On his behalf, the delegate of Government, reviewed multiple activities organised by Junta de Andalucía, through the Metropolitan Consortium of Transport in Granada, considered that the celebration of the European Mobility Week is a great opportunity to encourage and place value on sustainable mobility and social rationality, economical and environmental, values that are located in main lines of action of government policies of Juanma Moreno.

Granados also remarked the strong commitment of Junta de Andalucía for urban public transport, the use of bicycle to move around the city, the encouragement of pedestrian areas, and in the end, a bet for a more ecological, clean and better infrastructures and services cities.

Cartel SEM 2024 GRANADA


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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