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Half year more for the implementation of LEZ

lez granada mayoress

The City Council of Granada enlarges the public reporting period for the implementation of LEZ on force from October 1st 2025.



The mayoress of Granada, Marifrán Carazo, has announced the enlargement of reporting period to implement Low Emission Zone and the increasement of derogations included, which will allow circulation of more vehicles in the restricted area, so whe have considered that it is imperative to delay the entry into force of this measure until October 1st 2025 and also sanctioning procedure, instead of on April 1st 2025 as originally planned.

This six months enlargement period to the implementation of LEZ in Granada is due to to the intention of give citizen more information about it and longer period to adapt, considering that Ministry of Transport allow the implementation of this measure during 2025, assured the first councillor.

Among other new exceptions, gathered as temporary measures, announced today within the project of implementation of LEZ in the city it is, those vehicles from outside the city with no environmental betch of DGT have the possibility to get to public parkings in Granada only if they remain stationed more than one hour. Please note that it is only allowed the access to the parking, not to park in the street, avoiding rotation transit, asserted the first councellor.

The temporary measure announced this morning by the mayoress of Granada, imply the enlargement of adaption period to LEZ until next October 1st and the application of sanctioning procedure on this date, due to the creation of this parking network implies the fulfillment by the parking owners, that voluntarily must join this network and fulfill some requirements, as an automatic system to detect number plates, verification of certifications of DGT and regular subission of information to the Mobility Area.

This is, in words of the mayoress, a step forward of municipal government in its commitment to implement the first phase of LEZ as much orderly as possible giving response to as many casuistries as possible, because we understand this is a very important change in mobility habits for citizenship.

Carazo Villalonga has reminded that these new exceptions have been incorporated within the review process of claims submitted more than 250 to the ordinance of Sustainable Mobility, wich includes the Low Emission Zone, at approval stage that has updated and ensure coherence to 13 municipal ordinances thanks to a great technical effort and a great political management of dayly life.

Another great new, also reminded Carazo, is the municipal concern not to damage and be more sensitive with vulnerable groups that exempt from the fulfillment of LEZ to those vehicles without environmental badge with low-income and work comitmments on request of temporary authorisation, where can be proved that income is not two times higher than the Income indicator.

Using this criteria it also possible to request authorisation for owners of garages whose vehicles do not have enrivonmental badge, but only to get to those garages; and it will be possible the access of drivers with a judicial notice, that must be certified. Also people over 67 years can request authorization to pass.

This exceptions are going to be included to those already existing, like the possiblity of disabled persons and caregiver to enter with a vehicle with no environmental badge, access to health centers and pharmacies, to supply vehicles in the city and take the car to the mechanical workshop; all these possible causes may need authorization of the Mobility Area.

There will be out of LEZ requirements emergency vehicles, security and essential public services, collective public transpor, taxis, VTC and disabled people.

For the mayoress, mobility in Granada in less than two years has suffered a huge transformation thanks to a serious and consistent project aimed to favor more sustainable displacements and eco friendly which implies a Hugh technical effort, normative and economic on the part of municipal government.

So, after remind that when the project of Low Emmission Zone arrived to the City Council was not clear nor agreeded, has reminded that just on regulatory aspect it has been undertaken the process of the Mobility Regulatory Ordinance in Granada and the adhesion to the Sustainable Mobility Plan, required legal standing for the implementation of LEZ, normative texts still in progress, that we hope will be approved definitely in a plenary sesión on April.

Also has make special attention to the process of project of Low Emission Zone, included in the last ordinance of sustainable mobility, although its development has been presented, debated with the rest of municipalities and citizenship, that have not submitted claims, has remembered, and hereafter appeal to politic responsibility, to create from the beginning and not at last minute.

LEZ Project in Granada

The Low Emission Zone in Granada, that covers up a surface of 23,5 kilómetros delimited by Camino del Sacromonte, Avenida de la Innovación and park Federico García, it is mandatory for vehicles from outside Granada with no environmental badge. In particular, badges issued by DGT with classification B, C, Zero or Eco. There are excluded of compliance of LEZ residents and people registered in Granada.

As she referred, in our commitment to improve quality of air we have aimed from the very first moment to adopt less restritive measures to reduce pollution in the city and we find out that 70 per cent of pollutioning traffic is not from the city, but outside the city. This means that citizens of Granada have a very sustainable mobility habits, using public transport or foot displacements.

That´s why most of residents and people registered in Granada have been excluded from the compliance of LEZ in this first phase of the implementation.

The Low Emission Zone in Granada affects the perimeter of access to the city limited by the motorway and give access to vehicles with B, C, Zero and Eco environmental badge.

On her part, the councellor of Mobility and Citizen´s Protection, Ana Agudo, has remarked effort to inform citizens by the City Council in this period notifying person concerned, creating informative campaings in mass media, social media and civic centers and meetings with collectives and citizen associations.

Measures for a more sustainable mobility

En este sentido, ha anunciado un esfuerzo añadido en materia de sensibilización y comunicación al ciudadano en los próximos meses para dar a conocer y resolver cuantas dudas genere la aplicación de la Zona de Bajas Emisiones y la nueva ordenanza a la ciudadanía.

The new signalling required to implement LEZ, the installation of surveillance cameras or improvements in substainability, comfort and quality in public service are some of measures mentioned by Ana Agudo in the package of measures implemented by this government team in its commitment to achieve a more susbtainable mobility in Granada.

The councellor has referred the new arrangement of bus lines, that improves connections between districts - bus line 8 connects PTS and North district, bus line 21 arrives to Albaida and there have been incorporated new vehicles to bus line 33 and another 19 with substainable technology and the benefits to fares of bus tickets with discounts of 50 per cent, of wich a 20 per cent is paid by the City Council


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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