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Seal of Quality of Substainable Urban Mobility for companies

seal environmental quality companies

The City Council approves to encourage the Seal of Qualilty of Substainable Urban Mobility for companies, an annual seal.


The Councellor César Díaz suggests on the commision of Mobility to retake this distintive given in the frame of the European Mobility Week and make it a municipal annual recognition because this measure is crucial to boost a gradual change in the displacements to work/em>.

Municipal commision of Mobility has approved to boost an annual seal of quality of Substainable Urban Mobility for grenadine companies , a measure suggested by the local government that retakes this distintive awarded in the European Mobility Week, to makee it an annual prize and make it extesive to a greater number of entities joining this kind of initiatives.

This means, as the councillor said, to recognise good works and boost those companies that, due to their good practices, are an example to follow in this issue or another initiatives implemented as a transportation plan for workers, an educational project or another initiatives in means of transport more ecological..

César Díaz has said that with this project we pretend to invigorate the use of substainable displacements because this kind of seals and recoginisements add, specially when is about mercantile companies that have a lot of workers, but also, are a model for other companies and social agents arise conciousness in this issues.

For the councillor, solution in most of urban challenges is to apply diverse measures to eliminate CO2 emmisions, improve energy efficiency and reduce pollution, for the health and quality of life. Some good methods of substainable mobility improve quality of air, reduce traffic jams, decrease energy dependency, and also moderate noise or redistribute public spaces among other benefits.

Companies that want to get this seal can apply until 1 February. To achieve this seal candidates must have run at leas three actuations or measures among proposals in the basis of the call. These are, amogn others, a transportation plan of workers; the implementation of private buses for the displacements to work, educational projects; delivery of goods with zero emmisions vehicles or cargo bicycles; optimization projects of routes or intelligent system of management of goods; TIC project to contribute improvement of mobility and other similar measures.

There will be valued too duration of these actuations implemented and the continuity of them, and innovation and possible transference to other companies as well.

Finally, César Díaz has reminded tht last November the City Council has renewed Cervezas Alhambra Mahou San Miguel their seal of quality of the European Mobility Week for their work and specific measuresboosted as a design of a manual with suggestions and maps for displacements on foot, their transportation plan of workers or educational projects about Planned walking displacements among other measures.

On the motion of the councellors of groups PSOE and VOX attendant to this municipal commision, it has been resolved to give wider dissemination to this award so more companies of the city know and can achieve this seal.



Check this call at Application deadline: from 1 December 2019 to 1 February 2020 both inclusive.


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada