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Photo Contest of the Europen Mobility Week 2020

EMW Contest 2020

The City Council of Granada has delivered the prizes of the photo contest ZERO EMMISSIONS MOBILITY, on October 15th 2020.


The contest promote personal commitment with sustainable mobility on displacements, declares councillor César Díaz.

Awarded in the category of most representative and most original image are Juan Francisco Morales and Antonio Carrasco.

Photo Contest EMW Granada 2020

The City Council of the capital has delivered on the morning of October 15th, in the Plenary Hall, the two prizes of the photo contest #movilidadsinemisionesporgranada, an event call matching with the European Mobility Week.

Juan Francisco Morales Garrido, in the category of most representative image of sustainable mobility, and Antonio Carrasco Villegas, in the category of most original, have been awarded of this contest. Most representative photo captures a place in the city of Granada where coexist urban bus, bicycle and light rail. The most original photo shows a scooter, vehicle that has come to stay, admitted César Díaz, councellor of Mobility.

Concurso fotografía SEM Granada 2020 Photo Contest EMW Granada 2020

In this contest organised by the City Council have cooperated the Federación de Hostelería, Baños Hamman AlAndalus, group Carmela, restaurant el Coso, company Rober and Asociación de Guías e Intérpretes del Patrimonio de Granada. Sponsors gave the awarded prizes as a guided cultural visit around the cityin the ages of Isabel la Católica, menu or degustation dinner for two, two vouchers for bath and fifteen relaxing massage and two month bus pass for urban transport for half a year.

Federacion Hostelería Granada Hammam Al Andalus Grupo Carmela Restaurante El Coso Transportes Rober asociacion guias de granada Huella Verde

The aim of contest Zero emmissions mobility is promote personal commitment with sustainable mobility in displacements, has declared César Díaz. We have to ask ourselves what are we doing for mobility, because responsible mobility needs to be understanded, has clarified the councellor.

After highlighting the intensity of developed activities in the european mobility week, Días has remarked the necessity of fighting the indiscriminate use of private vehicle and the use of collective public transport and those alternative non polluting means of transport, like bicycle or scooter.

Photo Contest EMW Granada 2020


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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