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Traffic cut in San Antón street

On 9, 10 and 11 November 2015 traffic cut of San Anton street with street Alhamar is performed. See related traffic detours.

On 9 and 10 November 2015 San Anton street is cut into the top of the junction with Alhamar street causing the following modifications in traffic:

  • San Antón, between Alhamar and Verónica de la Virgen street, two senses, alternative pass in access to garages
  • Detour from Alhamar to San Antón by Aben Humeya street
  • Detour of San Anton towards Nueva de la Virgen - San Diego
  • Access to Alhamar from San Antón by Agustina de Aragón - Pintor Zuloaga.

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Desvío fase 1 San Antón

On 11 November 2015 San Anton street is cut into the downside of the junction with Alhamar street causing the following modifications in traffic::

  • Detour from Alhamar towards Pz Rotary by Mulhacen - Agustina de Aragón - Ricardo del Arco - Ribera del Genil - San Antón.
  • Detour of San Anton towards Nueva de la Virgen - San Diego
  • Access to Alhamar Agustina de Aragón - Pintor Zuloaga.

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Desvío fase 2 San Antón


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