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Traffic cut in Jarrería St

Traffic cut in Jarrería St until March 31 2024

Total traffic cut in C/ Jarrería will be from 11/09/23 to 31/03/24 according to following plan:

- Foundation phase: Will be six times three hours long each, between 9:30 and 13:30 hours, or from 16:00 hours.

- Structure phase : There will be carried out intermittent traffic cuts 30 minutes long each, between 9:30 and 13:30 hours, and from 16:00 hours

FILE NUMBER 29.609/23

Update: on Tuesday, February 20, and on Thursday February 22, on scheduled hours (9.30 to 13.30h; and from 16 hours) will be intermittent traffic cuts due to concreting works.


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