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4th Urban Race University of Granada

On 19 November celebrates the 4th Urban Race University of Granada from 10 hours in the morning.

Itinerary: Paseo Profesor Juan Ossorio (universitary streets), roundabout Aparejadores, Severo Ochoa, Madrid Avenue(underpass), San Isidro Square, Pulianas Avenue, Cardenal Parrado, Paseo de Cartuja, Real de Cartuja, Hospicio Avenue, Capitán Moreno, Triunfo Square, Elvira, plaza Nueva, Reyes Católicos, Isabel la Católica Square, Pavaneras, Santa Escolástica, Fortuny Square, Realejo Square, Santiago, Solares, Molinos, Vistillas de los Ángeles, Cuesta de Escoriaza, Paseo de la Bomba, Duque San Pedro de Galatino Square, access to pedestrian way in Paseo de la Bomba, Paseo del Salón, Puente Blanco (through Rancho Grande), Acera del Darro, Puente Castañeda, San Antón, Recogidas, Puentezuelas, Tablas, Trinidad Square, Capuchinas, Cárcel Baja, Universidad Square, San Jerónimo, San Juan de Dios, Almona de San Juan de Dios, Acera de Canasteros, Severo Ochoa (towards Constitución), turn left in pedestrian crossing over the underpass, Severo Ochoa (towards Camino de Ronda), Fuentenueva Avenue, Albert Einstein Square, Gonzalo Gallas, paseo Profesor Juan Ossorio.

Due to the celebration of the race, most of urban bus lines will be affected, making punctual traffic cuts and diversions.


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