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Home  :  XII Popular Race Memorial Padre Marcelino

XII Popular Race Memorial Padre Marcelino

On 15 April from 10:00 hours in the morning takes place the celebration of popular race Padre Marcelino.

This event has several races in some categoires. These categories are:

Absolute Race - 10 km, start at 10:00 hours from Arabial , Pérez Galdós, Ilusión Square, Ramón y Cajal, Padre Marcelino Álvarez, Alpujarras Avenue, carretera de Málaga, camino de Ronda, Méndez Núñez, Fuente Nueva, Severo Ochoa, Constitución Avenue, rondabout of the Bandera, San Juan de Dios, Gran Capitán, Gran Capitán Square, Emperatriz Eugenia, Trajano, Sócrates, carril del Picón, Tablas, Trinidad Square, Alhóndiga, Recogidas, camino de Ronda, Neptuno, Arabial, camino de Purchil, Huerta del Rasillo, roundabout Guitarrista Manuel Cano, María Moliner, Cañaveral, Arabial, Ilusión Square, Recoletos, finish in front of church Santo Tomás de Villanueva.

Junior category- 3500m, start at 11:30 hours from calle Arabial, Pérez Galdós, Ilusión square, Ramón y Cajal, Padre Marcelino Álvarez, Alpujarras Avenue, carretera de Málaga, camino de Ronda, Julio Verne, Ilusión Square, Recoletos.

Infant and Cadet category- 2000m, start at 12:15 hours from Arabial, Pérez Galdós, Ilusión Square, Ramón y Cajal, Mecina Bombarón, Albondón, Jesse Owens, camino de Ronda, Julio Verne, Ilusión Square, Recoletos.

Alevin category - 1000m, start at 12:40 hours from Arabial, Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Artesano Molero, Fray Luis de León, Arabial, Ilusión Square, Recoletos.

Benjamín category- 800m, start at 12:50 hours from Arabial, Santo Tomás de Villanueva, Santa Rita, Fray Luis de León, Arabial, Pérez Galdós, Recoletos.

Prebenjamin category- 600m, start at 13:00 hours from Arabial, Pérez Galdós, Recoletos.

Chupetín category- 250m, start at 13:10 hours from Arabial, Julio Verne, Recoletos.

There will be several traffic cuts and diversions during all morning due to the celebration of this race. Also, there may be altered on schedules and itineraries urban bus lines LAC, C2, C6, SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4, SN5, N1, N3, N7, N9 and U3.


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