Car Free Day in Realejo
On Saturday 21 September, in the celebrations of the European Mobility Week, takes place the third edition of Vive Tu Calle en el Realejo, between 10:00 and 14:00 hours.
There will be traffic cut in Molinos Street and Campo del Príncipe. Traffic cuts might begin at at 8 in the morning and end at 15:00 hours aproximately.
Activities to be performed are:
- Bremalia Market(handmade accessories for the home)
- Simultaneous chess games performed by Aulajedrez
- Exhibition ad open social dance with the Asociación Cultural Baila Swing End. Begining in Molinos Street, from 13 to 14h
- Bakery-Pastries Conchi (bread and salaillas)
- Bicycle Hire (foldable and electric) performed by Bicicletas La Estación (to ride around Molinos and Campo del Príncipe to try them)
- Massages Shiatsu by Centro MasVital
- Market Rosa M. Sanchez (handcrafted pottery)
- Mis comadres (ilustration and feminist communication about textile)
- Bakers of Al Qantar (ecologic bread from Quentar
- Craft exhibitio and design Made in Granada by the Asociación Entretanto Creando (jewellery, ilustration, textile, babies, etc.)
- Art workshop: Make your own pop up and wear it: El pilar de Damasqueros, with animated workshops (from 6 years old and adults). In frot of the pharmacy.
- Market La bolsa o la vida (advertising textile goods to arise conciousnes on society about the use of recycled and ecologic materials)
- Market La retahíla (handcrafting made with scraps of clothes)
- Market: Gazpacho and crunchy ochio 1 performed by Cookele Granada
- Concert Dúo of us. At 12h in Cookele Granada (Molinos 39)
- The Ecomarket
- Recycling workshops for children by the Department of the Environment of the City Council of Granada
- Skate classes and skate hire, free performed by Club Patinamos
- Passacaglia ARTIVISMO: El clan de la nube performed by Animasur Teatro, con la participación de Fridays For Future y los vecin@s. Por calle Molinos, from 13 to 14h (exit of school José Hurtado)
- Workshop Child Musical Theatre (from 7 to 12 years) teached by Celeste Caruso of 4x4 Multidanza. At 11h in Campo del Príncipe
- Familiar activity: El efecto mariposa con LaPepepita (Help Doctors Pérez and García to achieve a difficult challenge. Only with the help of all will be possible). At 12h in Campo del Príncipe.
- Hatha Yoga class for everyone with Elisenda Cucurull. (Bring your yoga mat and sun cream!) At 12h in Campo del Príncipe
- Child flamenco workshop (from 5 to 11 years) teached by Erika Fritz from 4x4 Multidanza. At 12:30h in Campo del Príncipe
Also, there will be the following stands:
- Nutrition by Malva Castro González. Check your health with the abdominal girth
- Center Umbella Bienestar
- Liceo Cultural Berta Wilhelmi
- Fridays For Future
- Association Por un Realejo Habitable
- Ecologistas en Acción
- Association AnimalYCo
- Laser cutting by Papelería Técnica Vitruvio
- Som Energía
- Cooperative Agroecológica Hortigas
- 4x4 Multidanza
- Magazines and newspapers by Papelería Librería Molinos
- Magazine Lumbre
- Club de los libros perdidos (bring a book or take one you like)
- La Revística (the alternative Graná told in comic). Its ilustrators will be making portraits and caricatures in the street
- Lindamanda Fotografía. Raffles, discounts and free photos for the visitors
- AMPA of school José Hurtado: traditional games and basket. In the patio of school José Hurtado from 11 to 13h
Public transport
Due to the development of Car Free Day, it is neccessary to modify itinerary of bus lines C30, C32 and C35 when going through Realejo. Street Santiago change its sense of direction to circulate towards the Alhambra, Cemetery and Barranco del Abogado.
