Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

Home  :  Alhambra Sport Race

Alhambra Sport Race

This event takes place on 23 June in the sports centre Bola de Oro, and consisting on several competitions.

  • Night Race: begins at 21:00 hours, a tour of 16 km and starts in the sports center Bola de Oro.
  • Marcha Nordica: begins at 19:30 hours from the sports center Bola de Oro and a tour of 12 km.
  • Olimpiadas Familiares: with different kind of tours, and starting at 20:30 hours from the sports center Bola de Oro
  • Baby Run: a tour of 1600 meters aproximately around the sports center Bola de Oro, running with baby buggy at 20:00 hours.


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