Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

Home  :  V Memorial Andrés Pérez Prieto

V Memorial Andrés Pérez Prieto

On Saturday 29 October 2023 takes place the celebration of the V Memorial Andrés Pérez Prieto at 8:00 in the morning.

The event takes place on October 23rd 2023 between 8:00 and 12:30 hours with the following itinerary: school Caja Granada (exit avenida de América beside hotel Andalucía Center), avda. América, roundabout Aviación Española, avda. Fernando de los Ríos, Jardín de la Reina, Arabial, Camino de Purchil, bicycle lane (sewage treatment plant Emasagra), Juncos, Jardín de la Reina, (lane reverse direction waymarked), roundabout Universiada (inner lane of roundabout, separated by cones), avda. Fernando de los Ríos, roundabout Aviación Española, avda. De América (left lane reverse sense waymarked), school Caja Granada (finish avenida de América beside hotel Andalucía Center).

Urban bus lines C5, 5, 11 and 21 may have alterations on schedules and itineraries due to the celebration of this event.

File 41.053/23


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