Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

Home  :  Vía Crucis April 9

Vía Crucis April 9

Celebration of Vía Crucis takes place on April 9 2025 between 18:00 and 21:30 hours.

Itinerary: C/ San Pío X - C/ Dr. Creus - C/ Doña Rosita - C/ Bernarda Alba - C/ Margarita Xirgú - C/ Crucero Baleares - C/ Margarita Xirgú - C/ Navarra - Placeta Vicente Blasco Ibáñez - Avd. de Dílar - C/ Santa Clara - Avd. de Cádiz - C/ Dr. Creus - C/ San Pío X.

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