Total traffic cut in Imperio, for download of goods during 12 months.
Due date for total traffic cuts in C/ IMPERIO Nº6 (section between C/ Ecuador and C/ Costa Rica) during loading and unloading works will be during 12 months according to following schedule:
Demolition phase: Traffic cut in working hours during one week.
Land movement, foundation and scructure phase at ground level: During 2 weeks, on working hours, four hours traffic cuts for foundation works and traffic cuts one hour long for land movement works.
Structure phase: During 8 weeks. Four total traffic cuts for foundation works 4 hours each, 4 cuts 3 hours each for metal pillars settlement and 2 cuts to collect materials for one hour.
Mansory works and covers: During 5 weeks will be carried out 4 cuts to collect materials for one hour.
Installation, carpentry and finish works: 32 weeks duration. There are planned 3 traffic cuts three hours each to settle carpentry elements and machinery, and seven cuts of one hour each to collect material.
File 8.334/25