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Home  :  Procession of San Cecilio

Procession of San Cecilio

Because of the religious Procession of San Cecilio, the next 1st of February, it will beguins at 17:00h of the mentioned day and it is due to end at 21:00h


Begins at 17:00 hours from San Cecilio Church, San Cecilio Square, Cuesta de San Cecilio, Campo del Príncipe (right side), Misericordia Coronada, Molinos, Realejo square, Carnicería, Santo Domingo Square, Palacios, Campos Square, Cuesta del Progreso, Mariana Pineda Square, San Matías, Pavaneras, Santa Escolástica, Fortuny Square, Realejo Square, Santiago, Jarrería, Molinos, Huete, Campo del Príncipe, Cuesta de San Cecilio, San Cecilio Square, and back to its church at 21:00 hours.

Because the itinerary follows the streets of Realejo where public transport minibuses go, it may affect to the routes of lines 30 and 35, Alhambra and Barranco.

Ver Procesi?n de San Cecilio en un mapa m?s grande


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