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Modification on working days schedule lines SN3 and SN4

From the 13th October 2016 schedule for working days on lines SN3 and SN4 changes.

Check the schedule line SN3 at Transportes Rober website.

Check the schedule line SN4 at Transportes Rober website.

Also, there is a modification on the stops of line SN2 towards Palacio de Congresos trhough Camino de Ronda:
Stop number 256 is cancelled (Camino de Ronda at the level of Sevilla Street). This means, from now on there will be stop number 258 in Camino de Ronda (before Méndez Núñez) and stop number 1484 in Camino de Ronda (after Martínez de la Rosa Street).

Parada 256 en Camino de Ronda
Parada 256 en Camino de Ronda


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