On 15 February 2017, at 17:00 hours aproximately, ends the first stage of Ruta del Sol 2017 at Paseo del Salon.
All info at www.vueltaandalucia.es.
Paseo del Salón to host next Wednesday 15 February the finish of final stage of the Vuelta, a 155.4 kilometers tour starting in Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga) and ending in the capital of Granada. The key of the stage is the ascent to the mountain pass in Monachil, first category, located 19 kilometers away from the finish and the vertiginous descent with final sprint in Paseo del Salón.
You can check all official info of Rutómetro for the first stage at Vuelta a Andalucía.
The itinerary through municipal area of Granada will be from Cenes de la Vega through carretera de Sierra Nevada, arriving at Paseo de la Bomba and Paseo del Salón (where the finish will be located).
From 14 February it is prohibitted to park in this area.
Before the ascent to the mountain pass in Monachil, will go through Ronda Sur, so accesses to it will be shut.
At 9:15 hours traffic will be shut: Paseo de la Bomba, section between Plaza del Duque San Pedro de Galatino and Cuesta Escoriaza. This traffic cut will be permanent until the end of the race and the dismantling of the installation (about 2 hours after the ending of the race).
Traffic will be shut in Carretera de la Sierra, Paseo de la Bomba and Paseo del Salón from 9:15 hours aproximately. Urban bus lines C7, S1, SN1 and SN3 will be affected due to this traffic cut. Bus line affected will go through Profesor Albareda to Manuel de Góngora and going back to its itinerary.
Bus lines C7 and SN1 will be diverted through Puente Verde, Profesor Albareda, Pablo Picasso, Poeta Manuel de Góngora to Acera del Darro.
Bus lines SN3 and S1 will be diverted through Profesor Albareda, Pablo Picasso, Poeta Manuel de Góngora.
From 16:00 hours aproximately traffic will be shut in Carretera de la Sierra from Paseo de la Bomba to Pinillos.
Once Local Police make this traffic cut, modifications on the itineraries will be:
Carretera de la Sierra, it is due that traffic cut ends about 17:00 hours aproximately.
Paseo del Salón keeps closed until the end of the rece and dismantling of the installation.
Check all info about public transport for this event at Transportes Rober.
More info at granada.org sobre la presentación de la etapa.