Total traffic cut in Lavadero de las Tablas (section between Montalbán and Horno de Haza) once a week between 10:00 and 12:30 or between 17:00 to 19:00 hours.
2023-12-04 - 2025-12-31
Traffic cuts in Tendillas de Santa Paula St take place from May 1st 2024 to 31 December 2025.
2024-05-07 - 2025-12-31
Due date for total traffic cut in Jarrería St takes place from 1/10/24 to 20/09/25.
2024-10-04 - 2025-09-20
Due date for total traffic cut in Mano de Hierro 7 (between streets Almona del Boquerón and Arandas) takes place from 01/09/24 to 01/09/25, according to the following plan:
2024-09-09 - 2025-09-01
Partial traffic cut in Gran Vía 8 will be one year from 22/08/24, carrying out downloading works twice a week between 00:00 and 7:00 hours two hours maximum.
2024-09-09 - 2025-08-22
Due date for traffic cuts in Horno de Espadero St (between streets San Antón and Padre Alcover) take place from 10/08/24 to 30/07/25.
2024-08-14 - 2025-07-30
Total traffic cut in Javier de Burgos St (between streets Gutierre Tibón and Tibónidas) during school year 2024-2025
2024-09-23 - 2025-06-30
Total traffic cut in Esopo St (between streets Nueva del Cerrillo de Maracena and avenida Maracena) during school year 2024-2025
2024-09-13 - 2025-06-23
Total traffic cut in Rigoberta Menchú St (access from María de Maetzu St) during school year 2024-2025
2024-09-18 - 2025-06-23
Due date for traffic cuts in Moral de la Magdalena 33 (between Solarillo de Gracia and San Miguel Alta streets) will be one year since May 1st 2024.
2024-04-29 - 2025-05-01
Due date for total traffic cut in Asturias St(between Pza. Poeta Javier Egea and the exit of parking) takes place on September 23 until February 28 2025.
2024-10-03 - 2025-02-28
Partial traffic cuts in avenida de Pampaneira, for twelve months from February 15 2024, two hours long maximum, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2024-02-19 - 2025-02-16
Parking area reservation in Paseo de las Palmas 6 is reserved from 5/02/24 to 05/02/25.
2024-02-08 - 2025-02-05
Total traffic cut in C/ Damasqueros will be from 20/05/24 to 31/01/25 according to the following plan:
2024-05-17 - 2025-01-31
On December 1st 2023 it has been published on BOP in Granada the Annual Schedule of taxi´s non-workable days in 2024.
2023-12-04 - 2024-12-31
Total traffic cut in Ribera del Violón takes place three working days from October to December 2024.
2024-10-11 - 2024-12-31
Partial traffic cut in Reyes Catolicos 48 will be from 01/06/24 to 31/12/24 between 00:00 and 6:30 hours.
2024-05-28 - 2024-12-31
As a measure to encourage sustainable mobility and bussiness activitiy and also to improve quality of environment, it will be implemented pedestrianization until end of year on a pilot basis.
2024-09-24 - 2024-12-31
Total traffic cut in Duende St (between San Antón and San Diego streets) takes place one year from January 1St 2024 five times a month, maximum forty minutes each, between 22:00 and 00:00 hours.
2024-06-19 - 2024-12-31
Total traffic cut in Coches de San Matías St will be from 14/02/24 to 31/12/24, carrying out traffic cuts between 8:30 and 10:30 hours.
2024-04-04 - 2024-12-31
Due date for total traffic cut in C/ PROFESOR MOTOS GUIRAO will be two working days until November 2024, between 15:30 and 19:00 hours, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
2024-10-10 - 2024-11-30
Partial traffic cut in avenida de Andalucía junction with Ribera del Beiro will be one week until November 2024 between 9:00 and 18:00 hours.
2024-10-11 - 2024-11-30
Due date for total traffic cut in carril de San Cecilio wiil be two working days until November 2024 betwen 8:00 and 18:00 hours, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
2024-10-11 - 2024-11-30
Partial traffic cut in Acera del Casino (bus lane) takes place several times until November 2024, on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 00:30 and 6:30 hours.
2024-07-29 - 2024-11-30
Total traffic cut in Ganivet St takes place several times until November 2024, on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday between 00:30 and 6:30 hours.
2024-07-29 - 2024-11-30
Due date for total traffic cut in Fontiveros St (corner with plaza Fontiveros) takes place three working days until November 2024 between 8:00 and 18:00 hours, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
2024-10-10 - 2024-11-30
Due date for partial traffic cuts in avenida del Conocimiento will be according to following plan:
2024-10-01 - 2024-11-15
Parking area in placeta de Abad is reserved from 20/05/24 and 01/11/24, on working days (from 07:00 h on Monday to 20:00 h on Friday)
2024-05-20 - 2024-11-01
Traffic cut in Lavadero de la Cruz St., at the high of number 14, during 20 months of road works. Check up schedule.
2023-02-13 - 2024-11-01
Partial traffic cut in Reyes Católicos between 0:00 and 6:30 hours four times 4 until October 31 2024
2024-03-25 - 2024-10-31
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Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada