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Alhambra - Centro

Line C30: Alhambra - Centro


Mini buses line to the Alhambra and Generalife, with head of line at Pavaneras st (near Isabel la Católica square) and the ticket office of the Alhambra.

Moovit - Línea C30


The sequence of stops is:

SecuenciaCódigo ParadaNombre ParadaCorrespondencias
LÍNEA C30. Trayecto 1: Alhambra - Centro
1 1005 Alhambra - Generalife 2 C32
2 1006 Palacio Emperador Carlos V C32
3 1007 Puerta de la Justicia C32
4 1247 Arquitecto García Paredes - Fte 4 C32
5 1216 Cuesta del Caidero 15 C32
6 1362 Cuesta del Caidero 2 C32
7 457 Molinos 67 C32
8 544 Santiago 75 C32
9 545 Santiago 39 C32
10 546 Plaza Realejo C32
11 1371 Plaza de Santo Domingo C32-C35
12 1351 Jesús y María 13 C32-C35
13 1352 Jesús y María 1 C32-C35
14 488 Plaza Isabel la Católica 4 C32-C35
LÍNEA C30. Trayecto 2: Centro - Alhambra
1 488 Plaza Isabel la Católica 4 C32-C35
2 489 Santa Escolástica 2 C32-C35
3 509 Plaza Fortuny - Realejo C32-C35
4 455 Molinos 38 C32-C35
5 456 Molinos 68 C32-C35
6 1361 Cuesta del Caidero 9 C32-C35
7 1215 Cuesta del Caidero 10 C32-C35
8 1003 Auditorio Manuel de Falla - Carmen de los Mártires C32-C35
9 1004 Paseo del Generalife 4 C32
10 1005 Alhambra - Generalife 2 C32

You can download stops sequence in C30 en formato CSV file.

Línea C30



Last news

You can see the last news about C30 line: schedule and route changes, bus stops, etc. and every traffic condition that could affect it.

1. Parade October 27

Parade takes place on October 27 2024 between 11:30 and 14:30 hours.

Itinerary: CHURCH OF SANTO DOMINGO - C/ Carnicería - Plaza del Realejo - C/ Molinos - C/ Padre Ponce de León - C/ Santiago - Plaza del Realejo - C/ Carnicería - CHURCH OF SANTO DOMINGO.

Parade might alterate punctually urban bus lines C32 and C35.

File 34.045/24

2. Change of fares of Urban Public Transport in Granada

From October 1st 2024 come into force new fares approved on Resoluction 23 September 2024 of Dirección General de Tributos, Financiación, Relaciones Financieras con las Corporaciones Locales y Juego.


Aproved the revision file to revew fares of public transport in our city, by resolution of the Dirección General de Tributos y Relaciones Financieras with Local Entities on September 23 2024, will be implementated from October 1st.

Also, current bonus of 50% mantains in travel cards (Credibús 5€, 10€, 20€, monthly card and Youth card, Universitary and RMP) until the end of deadline stablished by Government (31 December 2024).

New fares approved are:

IVA incluided
Updated fare
IVA incluided
Single ticket1,40 €1,60 €
Búho1,50 €1,70 €
Monthly card41,00 €41,00 €
Youth card0,61 €0,65 €
Universitary card0,61 €0,65 €
Credibús 5 euros0,87 €0,90 €
Credibús 10 euros0,85 €0,89 €
Credibús 20 euros0,83 €0,88 €
Disabled persons card:

0,57 €
- €

0,60 €
- €
Special fares
Bus Ferial
2,00 €2,00 €

New subsidised fares until the end of year año 2024 are:

55,00 €0,45 €
1010,00 €0,45 €
2020,00 €0,44 €
YOUTH CARD5,00 €0,33 €
RMP CARD5,00 €0,30 €

The rise of prices approved affect less usual users of urban buses with an average rise of 3-4 cents of euro, versus rising of tickets of sporadic use.

With this measure tries to give answer to increases in prices these last years, and also update them, due to last price rising on 2017.

Check all info at Transportes Rober..

Tarifas bus urbano 2024

3. Race SECOT 2024

The race takes place on October 2 2024 at 19:00 hours.

Itinerary: ESPLANADE PALACIO DE CONGRESOS - Paseo del Violón - Puente Blanco - Paseo del Salón - Paseo de la Bomba - Cuesta Molinos - Cuesta Escoriaza - Vistillas de los Ángeles - Cuesta del Caidero - Antequeruela Baja - Bosque de la Alhambra - Antequeruela Baja - Cuesta del Caidero - Vistillas de los Ángeles - Cuesta Escoriaza - Cuesta Molinos - Paseo de la bomba - Paseo del Salón - Puente Blanco - Paseo del Violón - ESPLANADE PALACIO DE CONGRESOS.

Expediente 29.579/24

4. Parade October 12

Parade takes place on October 12 2024 from 18:00 to 21:30 hours.

Itinerary: Church Santo Domingo - Plaza Santo Domingo - C/ Ancha de Santo Domingo - C/ Jesús y María - C/ San Matías - Plaza Mariana Pineda - C/ Ángel Ganivet - C/ Reyes Católicos - Plaza Isabel la Católica - C/ Pavaneras - C/ Santa Escolástica - Plaza Fortuny - C/ Carnicería - Plaza Santo Domingo - Church Santo Domingo.

Parade creates public transport detour

File number 29.405/24

5. Traffic cut in San Matías and Jesús y María streets

Traffic cut in streets San Matías and Jesús y María takes place as follows:

C/ San Matías (section between Pza. Mariana Pineda and C/ Jesús y María): Total traffic cut between 8:00 and 20:00 hours on Tuesday 20/08/24 and Wednesday 21/08/24.

C/ Jesús y María (section between Pza. de los Girones and C/ San Matías): Total traffic cut between 8:00 and 20:00 hours on Tuesday 22/08/24 and Friday 23/08/24.

Traffic cut may affect urban bus lines C30 and C32.

File 22.998/24

6. Child parade March 21

Child parade takes place on March 21 between 11:00 and 13:30 hours.

Itinerary: School Ntra. Sra. De las Mercedes, Plaza de los Girones, Varela, Rosario, Navas, Plaza del Carmen, Escudo del Carmen, Jesús y María, Plaza de los Girones, School.

There might be affected bus lines C30, C32 and C35.

File 2.549/24

7. Transfer of images May 24

Transfer of images takes place on May 24 2024 between 22:00 and 22:30 hours.

Itinerary: Church San Cecilio – C/ Campo del Príncipe – (side of Escuela de Arquitectura) – C/ Huete – C/ Molinos - C/ Jarrería – C/ Santiago, Church María Auxiliadora de la Alhambra, LLEGADA.

Threr might be affected by transfer bus lines C30, C32 and C35.

File 4.192/24

8. Parade May 25 2024

Parade takes place on May 25 2024 from 18:30 to 23:15 hours.

Itinerary: Comendadoras de Santiago (C/ Santiago) - C/ Jarrería - C/ Molinos - C/ Huete - C/ Campo del Príncipe - Plaza San Cecilio - C/ Carril de San Cecilio - C/ Antequeruela Baja - Plaza Arquitecto García Paredes - Paseo Central de Coches - Arco de las Granadas - C/ Cuesta Gomérez - Plaza Nueva - C/ Colcha - C/ San Matías - Plaza San Juan de la Cruz - C/ Jesús y María - C/ Ancha de Santo Domingo - Plaza Santo Domingo - C/ Carnicería - Plaza del Realejo - C/ Santiago - Comendadoras de Santiago.

Parade may create affections on bus lines C30, C35 and C32.

File 4.192/24

9. Transfer of images May 27

Transfer takes place on May 27 between 21:00 and 21:30 hours.

Itinerary: Comendadoras de Santiago (C/ Santiago) - C/ Sor Cristina Mesa - C/ Molinos - C/ Huete - C/ Campo del Príncipe - C/ Cuesta de San Cecilio - Church San Cecilio.

This transfer may affect bus lines C30, C32, C35.

File 4.192/24

10. Child parade March 21 in Realejo

Child parade takes place on March 22 2024, between 11:00 and 13:30 hours.

Itinerary: School Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario (c/ Santiago), calle Santiago, Jarrería, Molinos, Huete, Campo del Príncipe, Church Cristo de los Favores, and back through the same itinerary.

Due to the celebration of this parade there might be changes on bus lines C30, C32 and C35.

File 5.850/24

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