Minibuses line with round itinerary through Albaicín, with head of line at Plaza Nueva.
This line has from monday to friday special departures from Hospicio Avenue early in the morning.
The sequence of stops is:
Secuencia | Código Parada | Nombre Parada | Correspondencias |
LÍNEA C31. Centro - Albaicín | |||
1 | 1105 | Plaza Nueva | C32-C34 |
2 | 1010 | Carrera del Darro 33 - Bañuelo | C32-C34 |
3 | 1011 | Paseo del Padre Manjón - Fte 1 | C32-C34 |
4 | 1047 | Paseo del Padre Manjón - Rey Chico | C32-C34 |
5 | 1012 | Cuesta del Chapiz - Peso de la Harina | C32-C34 |
6 | 630 | Cuesta del Chapiz 60 | C32-C34 |
7 | 1020 | Placeta del Abad | C32 |
8 | 1021 | Callejón de las Tomasas 19 | C32 |
9 | 1022 | Plaza San Nicolás | C32 |
10 | 1048 | Cno. Nuevo de San Nicolás 7 | C32 |
11 | 1023 | Santa Isabel la Real | C32 |
12 | 1024 | San Miguel Bajo | C32 |
13 | 1025 | Carril de la Lona 1 | C32 |
14 | 1026 | Arco de Elvira 4 | C32 |
15 | 1353 | Acera de San Ildefonso 12 | C32 |
16 | 1106 | Avda. del Hospicio - Hospital Real | C32 |
17 | 1424 | Avda. del Hospicio - Triunfo | C32-C34-N8 |
18 | 583 | Gran Vía 5- Catedral | 8-21-33-C32-C34 |
19 | 1105 | Plaza Nueva | C32-C34 |
You can download stops sequence in C31 en formato CSV file.
You can see the last news about C31 line: schedule and route changes, bus stops, etc. and every traffic condition that could affect it.
Transfer of images takes place on April 6 2025 from 15:30 to 19:00 hours.
Itinerary: Abbey, Siete Cuestas, Sacromonte district, Cuesta del Chapiz, Carrera del Darro, Gran Vía, church Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.
There might be alterations on bus lines 4, 8, 9, 11, 21, 33, C31, C32, C34.
Expediente 9.351/25
On March 7 2025 takes place the celebration of demonstration from Jardines del Triunfo to Plaza Nueva between 12:00 to 14:00 hours.
DATE: 07/03/2025.
TO 14:00 HOURS.
The development of demonstration creates public transport detour.
Parade takes place on March 22 2025 from 19:00 to 21:30 hours.
Itinerary: church of Santa María de la Aurora y San Miguel - Plaza San Miguel Bajo - Santa Isabel la Real - Camino Nuevo de San Nicolás - Callejón de las Tomasas - Carril de las Tomasas - Placeta de Abad - Plaza del Salvador - Placeta de Abad - Carril de las Tomasas - Callejón de las Tomasas - Callejón Atarazana - Cuesta de las Cabras - Mirador de San Nicolás - Plaza Cementerio de San Nicolás - Callejón de San Cecilio - Placeta de las Minas - Aljibe de la Gitana - Pilar Seco - Santa Isabel la Real - Plaza San Miguel Bajo.
Du to Vía Crucis there might be alterations on bus urban lines C31 and C32.
File 5.346/25
Transfer of images takes place on May 10 2025 between 18:00 and 19:30 hours.
Itinerary: church of San Pedro y San Pablo - Carrera del Darro - Plaza de Santa Ana - Plaza Nueva - Elvira - Cárcel Baja - Puerta del Perdón of the Cathedral.
There might be alterations on urban bus lines 4, 8, 9, 11, 21, 33, C31, C32, C34 due to the development of transfer.
File 4.748/25
Parade takes place on May 11 2025 takes place at 18:00 hours until 21:30 hours aproximately.
Itinerary: Santa Iglesia Cathedral - Plaza de las Pasiegas - Marques de Gerona - Mesones - Puerta Real - Ángel Ganivet - San Matías - Plaza de las Descalzas - Plaza Isabel la Católica - Reyes Católicos - Plaza Nueva - Plaza Santa Ana - Carrera del Darro - church of San Pedro y San Pablo.
Parade creates public transport detour.
Urban bus lines 4, 8, 11, 21, 33, C31, C32 and C34 might have alterations on schedules and itineraries.
File 4.748/25
Solidarity Run Ave María takes place on Sunday 16 March 2025 at 9:25 hours.
This race consist on various races detailed below:
CATEGORÍA ABSOLUTA 9.150 m. START: 09:25 h. Itinerary: PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN - Cuesta del Chapiz - School Ave María Casa Madre - Camino del Sacromonte - Cuesta del Chapiz - San Martín - Callejón del Risco - San Luis - Cruz de Piedra - San Gregorio Alto - Pagés - Carretera de Murcia - Larga de San Cristóbal - Plaza Larga - Pagés - Plaza del Salvador - Carril de las Tomasas - Callejón de las Tomasas - Callejón Atarazana - Cuesta de las Cabras - Espaldas de San Nicolás - Carril de San Cecilio - Aljibe de la Gitana - Pilar Seco - Santa Isabel la Real - Carril de la Lona - Cruz de Arqueros - Plaza de la Merced - Plaza del Triunfo - Acera de San Ildefonso - Avd. del Hospicio - Capitán Moreno - Plaza del Triunfo - Acera de la Merced - Elvira - Reyes Católicos - Plaza Isabel la Católica - Pavaneras Santa Escolástica - Plaza Fortuny - Pasaje de la Ermita - Cuesta del Realejo - Cocheras de San Cecilio - Campo del Príncipe - Carril de San Cecilio - Antequeruela Baja - Plaza Arquitecto García Paredes - Paseo del Generalife Paseo de la Sabica - Real de la Alhambra - Cuesta Gomérez - Plaza Nueva - Carrera del Darro PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN.
CATEGORÍA JUVENIL 3.200 m. START: 11:00 h. Itinerary: PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN - Cuesta del Chapiz (School Ave María) - Camino del Sacromonte - Cuesta del Chapiz - San Juan de los Reyes - Cárcel Alta - Carrera del Darro - PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN.
CATEGORÍA INFANTIL Y CADETE 1.710 m. START: 11:30 h. Itinerary: PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN - Cuesta del Chapiz - San Juan de los Reyes - Cárcel Alta - Carrera del Darro - PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN.
CATEGORÍA ALEVÍN Y BENJAMIN 1.080 m. START: 11:50 h. Itinerary: PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN - Cuesta del Chapiz - San Juan de los Reyes - Placeta de la Concepción - Concepción de Zafra - Carrera del Darro - PASEO DEL PADRE MANJÓN.
Due to the celebration of the parade, there will be affections to urban bus lines C30, C31, C32, C34, C35, 4, 8, 9, 11, 21, 33.
File 2.856/25
From January 30 will be reactivated bonifications of 50% in card pass and multipass cards.
Bonification of 50% is extended in collective public transport in Granada from January 23 2025 vigency of bonifications expected in artices 64 to 70 of Real Decreto-ley 8/2023, from December 27, previously extended to January 22 2025, in accordance to Real Decreto-ley 1/2025, of January 28.
Type of bus pass | TICKET FARE | Nº OF TRIPS | ||
Tiket fare | Bonified ticket fare 50% | Nº of trips | Nº trips bonified 50% | |
Bus pass 5 | 0.90 | 0.45 | 6 | 11 |
Bus pass 10 | 0.89 | 0.45 | 11 | 22 |
Bus pass 20 | 0.88 | 0.44 | 23 | 45 |
Monthly bus pass | 41 | 20.50 | ilimitado | ilimitado |
Youth Bus Pass (*) | 0.65 | 0.33 | 8 | 15 |
Universitary Bus Pass (*) | 0.65 | 0.33 | 8 | 15 |
RMP Bus pass (*) | 0.60 | 0.30 | 8 | 17 |
(*) For charges of 5 .
Race BTT Andalusia Bike Race takes place on 24 and 25 February 2025. Details of the activities developed will be described as follows.
Monday February 24 2025, starting at 10:00 hours and ending at 17:00 hours.
Start at the esplanade of Palacio de Congresos, Paseo del Violón, Puente Blanco, Acera del Darro, Puerta Real, Reyes Católicos, plaza Isabel la Católica, plaza Nueva, carrera del Darro, paseo del Padre Manjón, cuesta del Chapiz, camino del Sacromonte, camino de Beas.
Return: paseo Fuente de la Bicha, follows to placeta Atalaya, under the bridge until parallel road to the river, get to the river to the pier in paseo del Salón, finish at paseo del Salón.
Tuesday February 25 2025, starting at 10:00 and ending at 13:00 hours.
Start at sport complex Fuente de la Bicha, paseo de la Bicha towards Cenes de la Vega, footpath paseo until footpath in camino de los Neveros.
Return: paseo de la Bicha (underpath in carretera de la Sierra), paseo de la Bicha, crossroad under bridge Atalaya and entrance to the river, and follows in parallel road to the river, pier, paseo del Salón, finish.
Both days will be occupied the esplanade of Palacio de Congresos, esplanade of sport complex Bola de Oro and paseo del Salón (Humilladero next to asphalt zone.
There might be affections to urban bus lines 4, 8, 9, 11, 21, 33, C31, C32 and C34.
Celebration of Vía Crucis takes place on March 28 2025 between 20:00 and 23:00 hours.
Itinerary: CHURCH SAN GIL Y SANTA ANA - Plaza de Santa Ana - Plaza Nueva - Cárcel Alta - San Juan de los Reyes Placeta de Concepción - Portería de la Concepción - Calle Concepción de Zafra - Carrera del Darro - Plaza Nueva - Plaza de Santa Ana - CHURCH DE SAN GIL Y SANTA ANA.
Due to parade, there might be affections to urban bus lines C31, C32 and C34.
File number 2.315/25
On February 2 2025 takes place demonstration from Triunfo to Plaza del Carmen.
Itinerary: Plaza del Triunfo (Concentration from 12:00 to 13:00 hours), Gran Vía, Plaza Isabel la Católica, Reyes Católicos, Plaza del Carmen.
The celebration of demonstration creates public transport detour.