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Casería del Cerro - Avda Pulianas - Caleta

Line N6: Casería del Cerro - Avda Pulianas - Caleta


Circular line with head at Caleta Square.

Moovit - Línea N6


The sequence of stops is:

SecuenciaCódigo ParadaNombre ParadaCorrespondencias
LÍNEA N6. Trayecto 1: Casería del Cerro - Caleta
1 274 Casería del Cerro - Centro de Salud Cartuja 5
2 217 Pedro Machuca - IES La Paz 5
3 215 Pedro Machuca 23 5
4 1422 Pedro Machuca - Comandancia Guardia Civil
5 213 Pedro Machuca 7
6 1423 Pedro Machuca - Periodista Luis de Vicente 121
7 211 Avda. Pulianas 63 N5
8 1339 Ribera del Beiro 43 N5
9 1340 Ribera del Beiro 25 N5
10 182 Avda. Madrid 23 33-121-U1
11 43 Doctor Olóriz - Plaza de Toros U1
12 1421 Doctor Olóriz 3 U1
13 303 Avda. Constitución 50 - Caleta - Hospital 11-N1-N3-N5-U1
LÍNEA N6. Trayecto 2: Caleta - Casería del Cerro
1 303 Avda. Constitución 50 - Caleta - Hospital 11-N1-N3-N5-U1
2 174 Ribera del Beiro 10 - Mondragones N5-U1
3 175 Ribera del Beiro 26 5-N5-U1
4 1337 Ribera del Beiro 32 N5
5 1338 Ribera del Beiro - Fte 43 N5
6 210 Avda. Pulianas 60 N5
7 534 Sánchez Cotán 4
8 536 Sánchez Cotán 10
9 538 Sánchez Cotán 28 5
10 540 Sánchez Cotán 40 5
11 273 Casería del Cerro - Plaza Rey Badis 5
12 274 Casería del Cerro - Centro de Salud Cartuja 5

You can download stops sequence in N6 en formato CSV file.

Línea N6



Last news

You can see the last news about N6 line: schedule and route changes, bus stops, etc. and every traffic condition that could affect it.

1. Change of fares of Urban Public Transport in Granada

From October 1st 2024 come into force new fares approved on Resoluction 23 September 2024 of Dirección General de Tributos, Financiación, Relaciones Financieras con las Corporaciones Locales y Juego.


Aproved the revision file to revew fares of public transport in our city, by resolution of the Dirección General de Tributos y Relaciones Financieras with Local Entities on September 23 2024, will be implementated from October 1st.

Also, current bonus of 50% mantains in travel cards (Credibús 5€, 10€, 20€, monthly card and Youth card, Universitary and RMP) until the end of deadline stablished by Government (31 December 2024).

New fares approved are:

IVA incluided
Updated fare
IVA incluided
Single ticket1,40 €1,60 €
Búho1,50 €1,70 €
Monthly card41,00 €41,00 €
Youth card0,61 €0,65 €
Universitary card0,61 €0,65 €
Credibús 5 euros0,87 €0,90 €
Credibús 10 euros0,85 €0,89 €
Credibús 20 euros0,83 €0,88 €
Disabled persons card:

0,57 €
- €

0,60 €
- €
Special fares
Bus Ferial
2,00 €2,00 €

New subsidised fares until the end of year año 2024 are:

55,00 €0,45 €
1010,00 €0,45 €
2020,00 €0,44 €
YOUTH CARD5,00 €0,33 €
RMP CARD5,00 €0,30 €

The rise of prices approved affect less usual users of urban buses with an average rise of 3-4 cents of euro, versus rising of tickets of sporadic use.

With this measure tries to give answer to increases in prices these last years, and also update them, due to last price rising on 2017.

Check all info at Transportes Rober..

Tarifas bus urbano 2024

2. Demonstration of agrarian vehicles on March 22 2024

On March 22 2024 takes place demonstration of agrarian vehicles from 9:00 hours and ending at 15:00 hours.

Itinerary: Joaquina Eguaras, Tete Montoliú, avenida Juan Pablo II, avenida de Madrid, Dr. Olóriz, avenida de la Constitución (reverse sense to Gran Vía), Gran Vía, Reyes Católicos, Acera del Darro, Paseo del Violón and ending at Palacio de Congresos.

Traffic diversions:

From Dr.Olóriz st towards city center: bus line 5, 33, U1, U3, N5, N6 and N9 when demonstration arrives to Dr. Olóriz.

From avenida de la Constitución towards city center: diversion through Severo Ochoa St. All bus lines arriving from avenida de la Constitución get through Severo Ochoa, Camino de Ronda to plaza de las Américas, where every line gets back to usual itinerary.

Once traffic cut in being done in Gran Vía, bus lines arriving from cuesta del Hospicio to avenida de la Constitución modify their itinerary: from Dr. Olóriz to avenida de Constitución, and then will be diverted trhough the previous diversion.

Diversion in Albaicín: Urban bus lines C31, C32 and C34 once traffic cut is done in the city center, schedule will be modified from cuesta del Hospicio through Capitán Moreno St and Elvira St.

3. Vía Crucis March 22

Vía Crucis takes place on March 22 2024, between 21:15 and 23:15 hours.

Itinerary: Church San Juan de Letrán - Avd. Constitución - Avd Andaluces - C/ Ruiseñor - C/ Cisne - C/ Halcón - C/ Gaviota - C/ Tórtola - C/ Paloma - C/ Mirlo - C/ Jilgueros - C/Tórtola - C/ Perdiz - Plaza Madre de los Ferroviarios - Avd Andaluces - Church.

Due to the development of parade there might be alterations on bus lines 4, 8, 9, 11, 21, 33, U1, N1, N3, N5 and N6.

File 7.067/24

4. Child parade March 15

On March 15 2024 takes place the celebration of the child parade between 11:30 and 13:00 hours.

Itinerary: School Ave María San Isidro, Concepción Arenal, Granada CF, Recreativo de Granada, Plaza de los Cármenes, Avda. De Madrid, sidewalk next to main entrance of old jail, Ribera del Beiro, central way, San Agapito, Concepción Arenal, School Ave María San Isidro.

There might be affected bus lines 33, U2, N3, N5 and N6.

File 5.851/24

5. PMV prohibitted on BUS

From January 1 2024 it is prohibitted to get on the bus carrying a personal mobility vehicle.

More info


Users of Bus Urban Transport are informed that from January 1 2024 it is prohibitted to get on the bus carrying PMV (personal mobility vehicles). (BOJA 247-28.12.2023)

It is understood by PMV: one or two wheeled vehicle for one person only boosted with electrical engine whose mass in movement is under 50kg.

6. Urban Bus: last trips on December 24 and 31 2023

Modification of schedules of last trips of urban bus lines December 24 and 31 2023.

More info at website Transportes Rober on PDF.

Usually, last trip is at 20:30 hours, with the following exceptions:

  • At 19:30, urban bus line N8 from Avenida Hospicio-Triunfo
  • At 20:00, urban bus line N8 from Fargue
  • At 20:20, urban bus line N9 (both Head Stops)
  • At 20:45, urban bus line 13 from Cementerio
  • Urban bus lines U1, U2 and U3 do not give service

7. Grant application of Ministry for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda

On June 30 2023 has been published the grant application of Ministry for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda.

Check the PDF whole text.

8. Medula Sky Challenge

This sport race takes place on July 1 2023 between 18:00 and 19:00 hours.

This race will be performed on the right lane in sense of direction. Itinerary will be: Camino Real de los Neveros, plaza de los Neveros, avenida de Cervantes, Puente Verde, paseo del Salón, Acera del Darro, Puerta Real, Reyes Católicos, plaza Isabel la Católica, Gran Vía, Triunfo, avenida de la Constitución, avenida de Andalucía (to Mercagranada)

Due to the performance of this race, there might be public transport detour, and may affect urban bus lines 4, 8, 9, 11, 13, 21, 33, N1, N5, N6, N8 and N9.

9. Demonstration March 28 2023

On March 28 2023 takes place this demonstration at 10:30 hours from Sur Avenue.

Demonstration takes place on Tuesday March 28 2023 from 10:30 to 13:30 hours, starting from Sur Avenue (school Victoria Eugenia) and following through: Sur Avenue (school Victoria Eugenia), Constitución Avenue, Gran Vía de Colón (ending at Department of Education)

There might be alterations in the itinerary of public service due to demonstration

10. Approval of Social Bus pass Employment Assistance Programme 2023

On March 2 2023 has been published in the Edict Board the approval of the Social Bus pass Employment Assistance Programme 2023.

Check the hole text in the Edict Board.

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