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European Mobility Week 2013

European Mobility Week 2013. Move for a cleaner air. Granada. From September 16th to 22nd

With the slogan Move for a Cleaner Air, is developed the European Mobility Week between the 16th and the 22th September 2013.


In the presentation of the activities between the 16th and the 22th of September, to celebrate this european initiative, the major of the City of Granada, has emphasise the slogan of this edition, Move for a Cleaner Air; a title that appeal to the benefits of changing our transport habits. In mobility and environment, we all have a role to play, so, even little changes, bycicle displacements, or in bus, or walking, instead of taking the car, can improve our quality of life.

As this year slogan Move for a Cleaner Air says, from the Mobility Department of the Granada City Council focus on three points:

  • Collective Public Transport Promotion
  • Bicycle Promotion
  • Road Safety in your displacements

Presentation of European Mobility Week 2013 in Granada

Fort he European Week of Mobility, the City Council of Granada, in cooperation with the association Granada al Pedal, proposed several people to ride the central zone of the city on a bike, from Wednesday to Sunday in a morning and afternoon schedule,carrying flags of the campaign, to encourage other people to use this way of transport in the city.

Also, on Sunday the 22th September at 12:30 hours, from Puerta Real, it starts the XVI Bycicle Route Via Libre al Tranvía.

XVI Route in Bike Via Libre al Tranvía

The urban buses from the Rober company will be free to those users that get in any of their lines the next 20th of september from 12:00 to 13:00 hours. An initiative with the City Council, the urban transport company and the Association of the Metropolitan Transport, that wants to promote the advantages of the public transport, in the European Week of Mobility.

Free Bus. Leave your car and enjoy free bus. September 20th 2013. European Mobility Week in Granada

Also in this european week, the City Council of Granada in cooperation with the Quevedo Institute of Humor, has encouraged an exhibition in the central patio of the City Council with 130 artworks about mobility an comedy, with graphic comedians from 32 countries, and artworks that abord subjets as use of seatbelts, speed,driving licenses, and other related with security while driving, from a humorous perspective.

Exhibition Road Safety Instituto Quevedo del Humor Gráfico European Mobility Week in Granada

Exhibition Road Safety Instituto Quevedo del Humor Gráfico Semana European Mobility Week in Granada

This itinerant exhibition will last 30 days, from the 16th of september to the 16th October.

The Citizens Protection and Mobility Department, through the Educational Road Safety Center in the City Council of Granada, organices this exhibition in the European Week of Mobility.

This exhibition deals with such an important aspect as safe mobility is,dealing with subjects like use of seatbelt, use of helmet, security distance, use of alcohol, speed, or the driving license, elements that affect in an essential way to driving safety, and it does it through humor.

This exhibition was produced by the Graphic Humor Program, and took part of the XII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor (2005). There are 130 artworks from 32 countries.

It could be visited in the City Council of Granada until the 16th of october from 9:00 to 20:30 non stop.

The exhibition deals with such an important aspect as safe mobility is in a positive way using humor to teach in Road Safety. Some of the subjects of the exhibition are: the use of the seat belt, use of helmets, security distance, speed, use of alcohol, use of mobile phones, or the driving licenses, all these elements affects security while driving, and it does it through humor to get to citizens.

There are 130 artworks from 32 countries. These artworks have an educational and informative of great relevance:faces the causes of the accidents, analyses the role of the traffic agents. So, the use of comedy has a critical value, as we can see every day on the mass media,and ensures to communicate the message in a positive way, although it might be rough, making the visitor to reflect and speak of Road Safety in a funny way without communicating the negative consecuences of the different risk behaviours.

Semana Europea de la Movilidad en Granada



Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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