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Road Safety and Humor Exhibition

Mayor Mr. José Torres Hurtado and Councillor of Mobility Mrs Telesfora Ruiz visiting Road Safety and Humor Exhibition of Instituto Quevedo del Humor

From the 16th of september to the 16th of october 2013 will be available to visit in the Granada City Council Patio.


The Citizen Protection and Mobility Department, through the Educational Center and Road Safety in the city of Granada, organices this exhibition in the European Week of Mobility.

The Exhibition "Road Safety and Humor" of Instituto Quevedo del Humor (Alcalá de Henares University) deal with such an important aspect as secure mobility in a positive way, using comedy to educate in Road Safety, main target in a local level, so this way we could see Road Safety in a new and original way.

Some of the aspects shown are: the use of seat belts, use of helmets, security distance, speed, use of alcohol, use of mobile phone or the driving license, this elements affect to security while driving, and it uses comedy to get to citizens.

This exhibition was produced by the Graphic Humor Program, and got part in the Esta exposición fue producida por el Programa de Humor Gráfico, y formó parte de la XII International Exhibition of Graphic Humor (2005). There are 130 artworks of different countries.

Organizes: Department of C.P. and Mobility. Road Safety Center

Produces: Instituto Quevedo del Humor. Alcalá de Henares University

Duration: 16th September to 16th October

Timetable: From 9 h. to 20:30h.

Place: Patio of the City Council of Granada in Plaza del Carmen

Mr José Torres Hurtado y Mrs Telesfora Ruiz visiting Exhibition of Road Safety and Humor Entering Exhibition Road Safety and Humor of Granada

Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada. Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada.

Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada. Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada.

Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada. Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada.

Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada. Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada.

Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada. Road Safety and Humor Exhibition. Granada.

This new in the webpage of the Instituto Quevedo del Humor.


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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