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XII Motorbike Conferences and III Coexistence with bikes the 15th, 16th and 17th October

Learners in road safety class during Motorbikes Conferences 2013 of Granada listening Vespacito association

Organized by the Educational Center and Road Safety of the Granada City Council and teached by experts of the Center and Vespacito Association as well.


The city of Granada has a vehicle fleet of 170.248, a 14% are motorbikes son motocicletas and are 11,5% mopeds. In relation with last year, the fleet has decreased in 3000 vehicles, except motorbikes that increases a 0,3%.

In a general level there is a decreasing evolution of the urban accidents rate from 2008 to 2013.

Accident rate evolution 2005-2012

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
With injured 1123 874 958 836 825 843 665 671
Without injured 914 846 823 823 706 912 765 691

Harmfulness evolution 2005-2012

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Minor injured 810 787 821 1015 1030 1088 869 856
Major injured 71 62 93 82 44 30 28 14
Deceased 9 8 7 6 9 6 4 6

Two wheels vehicles represent the 25% of the total of the vehicle fleet and the 50% of injured and the 37% of the involved vehicles, that make drivers a risk group to focus the local actions in road safety.

The age range with a larger number of motorbike accidents is between 35 to 59 years, many of them are car drivers that due to economic reasons have changed the car for motorbikes without driving experience on them. The moped drivers are mostly women, while in motorbikes there are mostly men.

July has the higher level of accidents with motorbikes and mopeds, followed by December and January. The days with more motorbike accidents are wednesday,thursday and fridays, and the more dangerous hour is between 14 and 15 hours. In mopeds the most dangerous day is friday and the more dangerous hours are between 14 to 15 hours and between 18 and 22 hours.

The XII Motorbike Conferences want to improve the formation and awareness raising of young people, principal subjects of traffic accidents in the city driving two wheels vehicles.

Mrs Telesfora Ruiz in Motorbikes Conferences in 2013 City of Granada

In this edition there has been duplicated the number of school centers and students. There are 270 students between 16 and 18 years joining this initiative of the following centers:

  • Ave María Casa Madre
  • IES Hermenegildo Lanz
  • Agustinos
  • IES Cartuja
  • Juan XXIII Chana
  • La Madraza
  • Ramón y Cajal
  • Ave María San Cristóbal

Learners in Motorbikes Conferences of Granada 2013 Learners in Motorbikes Conferences of Granada 2013

The subjects to teach are Active and Passive Safety, Security Measures, Driving techniques motorbike mechanics, factors that increase the risk of accidents and Attitudes that ease or difficult Road Safety.

Vespacito in Motorbikes Conferences in Granada 2013 Vespacito in Motorbikes Conferences of Granada in 2013

We use a theoretical-practical methodology consisting of one session in the classroom, where the contents are teached, using audiovisual resources and injured testimonies, and a practical session about driving skills in a circuit, using motorbikes and mopeds.

Motorbikes conferences Granada 2013. Learners in the road safety circuit Motorbikes Conferences Granada 2013. Learners in class

Bike Conferences Granada 2013. Learners in road safety circuit. Bikes and Motorcycles


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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