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A unique tourist train in Europe connect Alhambra with Granada

Tourist train to Alhambra

It lets to the tourists know the most symbolic areas in the city with a route of one hour long. The train begins to work in December long weekend.


In the December long weekend the city inaugurates a new touristic vehicle unique in Europe, a hybrid mean of transport that, through several stops in emblematic places of the city of Granada and the Alhambra, allow granadians and visitors of the nazari monument, to continue their visit of the city. .

In th presentation of the Granada city tour, the major of Granada, D. José Torres Hurtado, has remarked the possitive aspects that this initiative will have in a city sublimely touristic as Granada is, and in the hotel sector and commercial, connecting a World Heritage site, like the Alhambra, with a historic city, monumeltal and patrimonial as Granada is.

The first councellor has explained that the Granada city tour will start to work the next 5 of december with three vehicles and a frequency of 20 minutes; and from march there will be four vehicles, with a frequency of 15 minutes, apart from a night route expected.

The new hybrid vehicles , that have involved an investment of 1,5 millions of euros, have two wagons with capacity for 55 people; will circulate at a maximum high speed of 25km/h and will reduce the gas pollution in a 40 per cent with the conventional trains.

They have panoramic roofs to have a better views for users, audioguides in 12 languages, an informative application for smartphones, heating, places for disabled people and TFT screens with additional information about the main touristic places and the city services.

The Granada City Tour will work every day of the year with a frecuency, may vary in each seasono, of 15 minutes. There have been expected two routes: a day route of 8,4 kilometres that, during one hour,will visit the most important monuments in Granada: Plaza Nueva, Paseo de los Tristes, placeta de Abad, Alhóndiga Street, Molinos Street and Paseo del Generalife, between others; starting from the Alhambra thorugh Cuesta de Gomérez and going back through Cuesta del Caidero; and a night route, of 30 minutes and 3,5 km, that will start from Plaza Nueva and continue through Carrera del Darro and getting back to the starting point through calle Elvira.

The price of the touristic service will be 6 euros for adults that make a complete route and 8 € for those who wants unlimited travels in a day (modality hop-on hop-off). Those above 65 years will pay 2€ for a complete route and 4 € in hop-on hop-offmodality while childs under 8 years will travel free in each modality.

The Granada City Council offers, in cooperation with Granada City Tour, bonus for the Albaicin district residents, that could get a ten travel voucher in a special price just showing their identification, and will be free for people above 65 years of the district .

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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