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The City of Granada freezes urban bus fares in 2014

Urban buses in Paseo del Salón

Also, this transport will be free for people under 6 years old and free transfer extends to 60 minutes.


The Granada City Council will keep this years the same ticket prices of the bus in all its modalities and passes, a fare freeze that,as the Mobility and Protection councillor says, wants to cooperate with the families resources in this year of economy recovery.

So, prices will be as in 2013, 1.20 €, single ticket; 1.30 €, night bus ticket and 0.79 € per travel using a pass. Also, youth pass and the universitary will be 0.57 €; monthly pass will be 41 €, and pensioners will travel.

The councillor assured that, to encourage the use of bus, besides the freezing of the fares, the City Council wants to bonify people under 12 years and proposed to extend the age to obtain youth pass, including in the current group, children from 6 years and young people under 25.

And besides this measure, the traveler ordinance, currently in allegation period, stablishes free travel for children under 6 years old, when, before this ordinance, it was for children under 4 years old. Finally, with this new ordinance the period of free transfer from one bus to another will change from 45 minutes to 60.

There are four measures- freeze of general fares, Youth Pass extended to young people under 12 years old, free travel for children under 6 years and free transfer in 60 minutes-, that will have effect positively in the use of urban buses in Granada, encouraging sustainable mobility and not using private vehicles for city displacements.

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