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Safe School Routes

School Safe Route in Granada

On April 30, the project of the School Safe Ways starts developed by de Road Safety Center of Granada City Council.


The Project of the School Safe Ways developed by de Road Safety Center of Granada City Council is an initiative arisen in the cities, where it worries to want to recover in the cities the space that the children had before and that, at present they, have been invededby the vehicles. It wants to turn the streets into spaces of conviviality and stay between the people, and not places of step. Definitely, it pretends to get back the streets for the children like source of learning and personal and social development, as they were enjoyed not a lot of time ago.

It is a set of actions that have been carried out to make real project for that we hope that spreads to many other educational centers:

  • From the information obtained of the Road Safety Plan we have analyzed the school mobility across survey to approximately 10.000 students of differents educational centers.
  • Results were sent to all the educational participants centers, inviting them to take part in the project of School Save Ways which aim to promote the active, healthy and safe displacements of the students who were living in a ratio lower than 1,5 km from the educational center.
  • Ave María San Isidro School has been the one that has offered to carry out this pilot experience that today we present.
  • Specific traffic sings has been created so much vertical as road brands that indicate the meetings points for the children, as well as the safest routes for the students in general.
  • The informative sign designed of meeting points in order that the children are accompanied has been located in 4 points as the association of parents and mothers have requested it, and these meeting points are where always there are adults (parents, mothers, grandparents/mothers) who pick up the students who their parents leave there, and they and lead them to the school afoot with the purpose of avoiding agglomerations of the cars in the door of the schools that so many problems carry of risks for the students.

School Safe Routes in Granada School Safe Routes in Granada

There are 4 meeting points, always in a open place from a pedestrian point of view, for the security of children and the calm of adults:

  • Tete Montoliu Boulevar
  • Ribera del Beiro cross Pulianas Av.
  • Los Cármenes Square
  • San Agapito street cross Ribera del Beiro roundabout

School Safety Routes plan

Received collaborations:

We are not alone in this project but we have possessed the great collaboration of University of Granada by Faculty of Psychology as well as the the Official College of Psychology who have offered their professional point of view to the families brings over of the benefits that there has a project in which there are favored his autonomy, healthy habits of displacements, social development for the physical, social development of the children, since the displacements are promoted in company and responsability, from certain ages with the capacity and suitable knowledge for it.


Vertical sign of School Safe Routes Vertical sign of School Safe Routes

Horizontal sign of School Safe Routes  Horizontal sign of School Safe Routes granada


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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