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LAC will be free for two first working weeks

High Capacity Bus Line in Granada (LAC)

The City Council puts informative points all around the city to ease the citizen the implementation of the new mobility system


The new LAC bus service will be free in its two first weeks of working. Also, citizens could get on in all public transport without pay anything on June 29th, day of implementation of the new High Capacity Line.

The city is getting ready for the implementation of the biggest transformation in transport in the city.Twelve LAC buses will be operative on June 29th and the City Councils wants the citizens to know everything about its functioning.

The local government has prepared several initiatives to guarantee the ordinary funcioning of this new mean of transport. Mobility council, Mrs.Telesfora Ruiz, said that citizens can get to five informative points is different places in the city where the LAC workers will inform and solve personally of all in relation to the LAC implantation.

This week the new information servide will be in Puerta Real, Plaza Nueva, Circunvalación de la encina, Avenida Juan Pablo II, opposite to Traumatología Hospital, and Avenida Don Bosco from 9 am to 15.00 pm from monday to saturday.

As Telesfora Ruiz said, these informative points will move to other districts of Granada, so every citizen could have information about LAC, she explained.

Granada is now the second city in Spain to have the High Capacity Line.It obeys with Law 2/2011 of Sustainable Economy of adjustment to the european normative that bets for means of public transport less polluting and noise. Only Vitoria, besides Granada, have achieved this european responsibility.

Granada adds with this wager for enviroment, to eliminate polluting and noise emissions, a new model of transport that will allow to exchange the old urban buses for the most modern vehicles of the market , in words of Torres Hurtado. But, above of all this, Granada will show a more modern free of buses in the central axis of the city.

Granada has a total of 15 brand new vehicles of High Capacity Line, 12 of them will dayly go across with a 3 minutes- pass frequency the central axis of Granada. In total, as Torres Hurtado has explained, will go across 8,400 metres distance, 4,200 in each sense of direction .

Vehicles, from Mercedes Capactiy trade mark with a lenght of 19,5 metres, capacity for 38 seated passengers plus 139 passengers that could travel standing still.At the same time, have two spaces for wheelchairs.Buses have an EURO V EEV engine, the last existing in the market for high capacity vehicles.


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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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