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European Mobility Week 2014

European Mobility Week 2014 in Granada

On Sunday 21st September Rector López Argüeta street and San Jerónimo street will be closed to traffic and became a place for cultural activities.


On Sunday 21st September we celebrate the European Week of Mobility 2014. On these days streets San Jerónimo and Rector López Argüeta will be closed to traffic and parking won´t be allowed and they´ll became a place for cultural activities.

Come and enjoy streets as a place for sustainable mobility and public space, solidarity, culture, games, trade, social exchange and stay.

To explore the relation between the urban land use and quality of life and to reconsider our way of thinking about urban space are one of the aims of these proposals in the European Week of Mobility; a programme that, with the slogan Una calle mejor es tu elección (A better street is your choice) will encourage people to enjoy and create a city they want to live in.

In programme presentation, the Council of the Mobility and Citizens Protection Department, Mrs. Telesfora Ruiz, has remembered that there is an increasing inclination to recover urban areas worldwide, with the transformation of parkings into mini parks, the use of the streets for community activities or streets to create coffee shops or terraces. To sum up, in this the year to redesign and reallocate public spaces and streets for the people. So, besides the cultural and leisure activities, to ease sustainable transports- as walking or ride a bike- could make these public spaces more pleasant and the air cleaner.


During all day, there will be games, workshops, photographics exhibits, toda la jornada, habrá juegos, talleres, muestras fotográficas, ecomarket, swing on the streets and many other activities for all ages.

Programa Semana Europea de la Movilidad Granada

Cartel Semana Europea de la Movilidad Granada


To ease parking for private transport, San Juan de Dios Parking, in Rector López Argüeta street offers a five euro pass for day 21st september while enjoying these activities.

Access to San Agustín Parking will be exclusively through Elvira St., due to San Jeronimo street traffic cut. This parking also has a parking bonus of 10 euros during the celebration of the European Week of Mobility.

Traffic cut

Traffic cut in Rector López Argüeta and San Jerónimo streets to celebrate the European Week of Mobility will be from 8:30 to 21:30 hours.

To guarentee mobility in the surroundings of these streets,the traffic sense will be reversed in one section of San Juan de Dios St. between Fuente Nueva St. and San Jerónimo St. so access to Gran Capitán St. will be through Severo Ochoa Ave. - Acera de Canasteros - Santa Bárbara - Fuente Nueva - San Juan de Dios.

To get to San Juan de Dios Public Parking in Rector López Argüeta street, there will be a way in-out lane with protective fences from Gran Capitán street.

Also there will be the in/out access of the parking located in Postigo de Zárate St. through Tendillas de Santa Paula St. and the way outs in Lucena St. in reverse sense to Capuchinas St., Trinidad Sq. to Duquesa St.

It is not allowed to park in the streets of the traffic cut: Rector López Argüeta y San Jerónimo.

Desvíos Semana Europea de la Movilidad

Afecctions to other transports

Urban bus line C6: Rosaleda - Traumatología

Line C6 modifies its itinerary that day in the Traumatologia to Rosaleda way , getting through Fuente Nueva Ave.- Albert EinsteinRoundabout - Fuente Nueva Ave.- Melchor Almagro - Emperatriz Eugenia, where it takes its route as usual.

Desvío línea C6 Semana Europea de la Movilidad

Touristic Train

Touristic Train turns at Fuente Nueva Ave.- Albert Einstein Roundabout- Fuente Nueva Ave.- Melchor Almagro - Carril del Picón - Trinidad Sq.- Alhóndiga, where it takes its route as usual.

Desvío Tren Turístico Semana Europea de la Movilidad Granada


City Council of Granada- Camina Granada - La Ciudad Accesible – Official College of Architects - Salvemos la Vega - Biciescuela Granada - Granadaimedia - AD Granada Integra - Granada al pedal - Ecologistas en acción.


Transportes Rober

Cartel Semana Europea de la Movilidad Granada


LA CALLE DE ANTES. APRA. Acociación Para la Recuperación del Asno Andaluz - Ecologistas en Acción - Individual citizens.

HACEMOS CIUDAD. Asociación de Artesanos Andalucía - Asociación de la Prensa de Granada - ASPACE Granada. Asociación Granadina de Atención a Personas con Parálisis Cerebral - Camina Granada - Consejo Municipal de Personas con Discapacidad - Bicicletas La Estación - FEGRADI. Federación Granadina de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica - La Boutique Orgánica - CEPAMN. Centro de Primera Atención a Mujeres y Niños - Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Granada - Coltra. Motos Eléctricas - Coworkin ErranT - Estación Diseño - Granadaimedia - Granada Acoge - Granada en Transición - Granada Integra - Granada por la Custodia Compartida Ya - Ione Skate Patines - La Ciudad Accesible - Malva Nutrición - Mensajería Cometa - Plataforma Salvemos la Vega - Reciclamara - Stop Accidentes Granada - Sebastian García Reyes - Trazeo - 126 Fixed.

PLAZA ACTIVA. Baila Swing Fin - Biciescuela Granada - Club Deportivo Juan XXIII - Gospel Molotov - Granada Accesible, Granada Inclusiva - Granada Integra - David Heredia & Cía - La Ampliadora - La Madriguera - Toulouse - Patín Cajar - Unomás Granada.

MERCADO. Agradia - Ecomercado Granada - Las mermeladas de Aránzazu - Mielería La Duquesa

ARTE Y DESVÁN. Asociación de Artesanía por Amor al Arte - Anticuario Gualda - El Gepetto del Palé - Hazlo Tú - Ideo Art Work - Korner - La Trastería y Planeta Tapón - Mira k wapo - Renueve - Piculinitas Sánchez - Sueño Andaluz - ciudadanos y ciudadanas particulares.


Aparcamiento San Juan de Dios - Discos Bora Bora - Ideo Art Work - El Peatón.


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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