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Enterprises that make Enterprises Mobility Plans could get a 50% discount on IAE

IAE discount

This fiscal amendment try to introduce measures to minimize the effect of motorised journeys and to improve quality of life between workers and the enviroment.


The City Council will apply a 50% discount on IAE to those enterprises that sets up a plan of transport on labour journeys; a measures that wants to help those companies that reduce their power consumption and releases on displacements to and from work, and to those that improve the use of more efficiency and sustainable ways of transport as collective transports or bicycles.

The council of Economy, Mr Francisco Ledesma, has explained that this bonification on IAE, will be applicated with two conditions: enquire to the Economy department in the first four-month period of the year of that enterprise mobility plan, and the favourable report of the Mobility Area due to that plan.

Also, Ledesma said that this measure could benefit 1236 enterprises taxpayers of IAE, and has guaranteed that, the 90% of them are paying taxes for less than 5000 euros.

In respect of companies mobility plan for enterprises, the council of Mobility and Citizens Protection, Mrs Telesfora Ruiz, has detailed that they are focused to the management of the labour mobility, facing the problem of transport from and to the work centers giving measures to minimize the effect of motorised journeys and to improve quality of life between workers and the enviroment.

Mrs Ruiz has explained that these enterprises mobility plans to the work center gives a lot of benefits for everyone. For the businessman, reduce the absenteeism and increases the worker´s punctuality, favour sociability and give a good name to the enterprise, improve their productivity, are more accesible to dealers and customers offering free parking lots; for employees, anxiety due to traffic jams dissapears, improve their health getting to work on foot or bike, save petrol and get economic incentives, also decreases in itinere crashes. Finally, this measure has also benefits for society, because reduce pollution, improves air quality, decreases traffic accidents in peak hours, free up parking lots and increases accesibility, enchance quality of life and city attraction.

Work is the first reason of displacements in the city and its sourroundings. That is the importance of choosing options when using the car, because it is the principal mean of transport in the city and sourroundings. Enterprises in the industrial zones, hospitals or big shopping centers, among other things, generate a huge mobility of employees, with similar features to favour the implementation of mobility plans: same destination, same schedules and the possibility of plan common routes.

Referring to the mentioned plans, the council has explained that in first place, it is neccessary to have a diagnosys of the need of transport to work.To that end, it is necessary to analyse their location, functionality, number of employees, work schedules, access and entrances, buses current offer, parking lots, motorised and non- motorised, among other variables.To this point she has remembered that the study of mobility habits of employees is crucial to design measures for this Mobility Plan.The information is provided directly from vehicle and pedestrians counting in the surroundings of the work center and staff opinion surveys.

Consecutively it is priority to have an awareness campaing to sensitize employees of the importance of the mobility plan and to make them achieve the aims of the plan is crucial.

Measures of each Mobility Plan will focused to a mean of transport to be favoured.

So, there could be implemented promotional measures for public transport as economic incentives to improve the use of existing public transport (payment for transport, payment of bus passes, etc); installation of ticket machines and SAE boards in the company or setting up their own bus lines to work centers.

Also, there are measures to favour cyclist as exclusive bicycle lanes, equipments; or economic incentives when using the bike.

With respect to the proposal to increase displacements on foot, could be mentioned, recovery of neighbourhood´s itineraries, pavement enlargement; obstacle and barriers elimination, or economic incentives to those displacements on foot.

Finally, the council has referred other measures, as to share vehicles. This is the case of travel planning of the company or give economic incentives when sharing cars.

This modification to the ordinance will be in force on January 2015.



Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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