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Special Bus Line to Cemetery

Bus line to Cemetery

Due to All Saint´s day festivity a new special bus line will be on duty from thursday 24 october to sunday 9 november.


This new public transport line to Granada´s Cemetery stablished by the City Council of Granada due to All Saints day festivity beguins to operate on friday 24 october from 8 o´clock.

This service, made to ease citizens the access to Cemetery of Granada, will be operative until sunday 9 november. This bus beguins at 8 o´clock in the morning, starting at Acera del Darro, to 20,15 hours, at the municipal graveyard.

The frequency of pass will be 9 minutes the 31 october and 1 november; 20 minutes between 24 and 30 october and 2, 3, 4 november, and 40 minutes from 5 to 9 of the next month.

This new special service to cemetery will fullfil the current line C4 that starts in Isabel la Catolica Sq. and gets to cemetery through districtof Realejo.

Plano servicio especial cementerio 2014

Outward journey

  • Acera del Darro
  • Carrera de la Virgen
  • Humilladero
  • Paseo del Violón
  • Plaza Rotary
  • Paseo de los Basilios
  • Carretera de la Sierra
  • Santa María de la Alhambra
  • San José Cemetery

Return journey

  • San José Cemetery
  • Santa María de la Alhambra
  • Carretera de la Sierra
  • Paseo de la Bomba
  • Paseo del Salón
  • Acera del Darro


Puede consultar los horarios actualizados en la página de Transportes Rober


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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