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New Crossing with Traffic Lights in Ciencia Avenue

New traffic light crossing in Ciencia Avenue

The City council improves the access of residents of Cruz de lagos to the city removing a median strip in Ciencia Ave.


The major points out the necessity of acting due to the queries of the neighbours that had to use the roundabout of Fernando de los Rios avenue to get to the city center.

Almost 9000 neighbours of Cruz de Lagos will get to the city in their vehicles through Cienca Avenue without the need to get through Fernando de los Rios. This new traffic measure has been done thanks to the removal of the median strip between this road and Jose Luis Perez Pujadas street that prevent residet of getting through Ciencia Ave.

This work, made by the Mobility Area of the City Council of Granada, also means the installation of traffic lights in the three pedestrian crossings in this section, so this improves the safety of pedestrians.

Specifically, there have been installed 8 colums of 2,4 metres, with sign posts for vehicles and pedestrians. Also , there have been installed two traffic lights in the streetlights.

Plano de la intersección

This measure will end in the next days with the installation of an acoustic warning device with remote control in the three pedestrian crossings. This measure has assumed an investment of 48,030 euros.

The major of the City Council of Granada, Jose Torres Hurtado, in his weekly visit to the different districts of the city has pointed out the importance of this work that, although it seems to be unimportant, is very neccessary for the neighbours. In this respect, he had expressed his gratitude to the residents for their cooperation because that way we can improve life in our city.

Avenida de la Ciencia Avenida de la Ciencia

Avenida de la Ciencia

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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