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A video to show young people damages of alcochol and drugs on drivers

At the wheel do not play, you only have one life

Road Safety Education will continue with regular proposals of prevention and education as meetings, round tables, workshops, focused on Secundary and High School students.


The aim of this campaign, directed by the Mobility and Citizens Protection Department, is to refuse any alcohol or drugs when driving; a road safety initiative that, between other educational resources, shows a brand new video with the slogan No games when driving, you only live once.

The Citizens Protection Department Councellor, Mrs Telesfora Ruiz, has explained that it is an audiovisual project made by the very same young people, that, thanks to music and image plasticity, different nocive effects of drugs and alcohol in health and life are shown, and the legal consequences in people when using them as well.

Alcohol causes clear changes in the driver´s behaviour and affect almost all the psycophysical capacities needed for a safe driving: the attention, concentration, perception functions, reflexes, psycomotricity, time of reaction, and also behaviour, among other effects. It is to show young people this reality in all its dimensions. The counsellor has assured that the alcohol-drugs pairing and driving is one of the aspects of road safety that worries in the European Union, because about a 25% of all the deads in the road in Europe are related with this factor. In Spain, according to the annual memory of the National Institute of Toxicology, in 2013 four of each 10 drivers dead in accident had a positive in drugs and/or alcohol in blood analisys.

Driving after drinking alcohol multiplies to 9 the risk of an accident and because of the increase alcohol in blood, the rate of accidents also increases.

The video, -as movie trailer or in its extended version to work in the classroom- could get to a 12,000 estimated young people of Secundary and High School.

And besides the prevention, educational and awareness increase jobs about nocive effects of the alcohol-driving pairing in human lifes, the City Council, as well, in the road safety framework, will continue with formative lessons to young people about legal effects and penal sanctions derivated from the unfullfilment of the normative.

Extended version



Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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