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Free courses to learn to drive a bicycle


Learn to drive a bike in a safe mode, by teachers from Sports Sciences School, using Bikeability


The City Council of Granada runs 20 free courses of cyclist training to learn how to ride a bike in the city in a secure and assertive way.

These courses, teached by the instructors of the Sports Faculty, are based on the Bikeability method, a brand new concept of Road Safety born in the United Kingdom, to adquire the necessary knoledgement, so urban cyclist could drive safe and respectfully in any traffic situation, reducing risk situations for health and trouble with other users of this public space.

These courses are also a great opportunity to know the advantages of travel on bike in the city, accompanied by friends and qualified monitors.

Courses will take part on friday and sundays, in 5-15 people group and with two monitors each group, in three workshops of two hours each:


  • 2 hours of theorial learning and discussion, in the Sports Faculty, or any other place stablished by the group.

  • 2 hours to practice in a closed urban tour, or in Fuentenueva universitary Campus, or in Paseo del Salón.

  • 2 hours in an open route through the city, following the group guidelines.


Particulars, families, group of friends, companies, associations and any other group.


From 13 april to 15 may, giving your name, contact details and number of people to join this activity, to the following email:
More info
in PDF format.

Soon, more initiatives at


Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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