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More than eleven thousand people join the activities of the Road Safety Center

Maria Francés shows the data about Road Safety in 2014/15

Elderly mean the part of the population that more increases the rate of accidents, as tendency shows with data obtained in the last years.


A sum of 11.671 people from different ages have joined as pupils in the activities encouraged by the local centre of Road Safety, under the authority of the Mobility Area. This programme is one part of the urban road safety plan of the city council, made in 2012. It is a pioneering plan nationally, togheter wiht another ten cities chosen by the National Department of Traffic(DGT).

The urban plan of road safety gives a diagnosis of the city in order to know how to react in every moment. Its dynamism, previously entering police statements, allows to update the intensity rates and the evolution of the vehicle increasing; the road network and the black points of accidents. Define, also, the ways of risk displacements and the road safety in the surroundings of schools.

This analysis shows that there are three main risk groups. The first one are the pedestrians; these accidents with victims means more than 20% of the total in Granada, and elderly is the area of population that more increases their accident rates. The second ones are cyclists, a mean of transport continously rising, and mopeds, which accident rate decreases. The third group are motorbikes, a vehicle which has a remarkable rising.

Technical measures, surveillance and control by the Local Police and informative and educational actions are the axis for this plan of road safety to to tackle the problems, as María Francés reported, council of Mobility. The road safety educational center has headed their activities to children and teenagers, young people, people with special educational neccessities, cyclists,bikers and general population thanks to the cooperations of associations and entities related to different ways of driving. .

The audience in these campaigns and meetings have recieves, also, information and refreshment of the news made in the Law on Road Safety.

The 7.009 students of 4th grade Primary School and the 2nd and 4th grade of Secondary School that have joined this center of road safety have been teached theorical- practical courses where parents and teachers have been involved to help in this educational work. In the round tables developed in high schools have participated 1606 young people. To the cyclists meetings, made in open spaces where bicycles drive around, have joined 850 peoplen and 175 to the biker´s meetings. The activity of the school traffic regulators is focused on the new general traffic rules, authorizing 43 regulators for this activity in the ended course. The elderly´s campaign, with the slogan movilidad senior: el camino de todos, has been developed in the hall designated to that purpose in the forecourt of Palacio de Congresos. Along that week, the audience have taken part in educational talks and examples of the importance of ocular checks-up in case of senior drivers, the effects of medications, respect of traffic signs, the role of grandparents in the education of their grandsons, the use of safety belt and child retention systems.



Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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