Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Merry Christmas on Bike, allied to improve Mobility in Granada: Take care of it

Project STARS Granada 2017

During this course, has been joined project STARS two new educational centers: CEP Arrayanes and IES Ángel Ganivet.

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Elderly and Road Safety Meetings

Meetings Red Cross Elderly 2017

Elderly wave goodbye the last quarter of the year talking about Road Safety.

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Free transfer between Light Rail and urban buses

Light Rail in Granada

This brand new system of fares will come into force in 8 weeks using the Metropolitan Consortium of Transport card and will be operative only in the municipal area of Granada.

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XVI Motorbike Conferences and VII Conferences Coexistence with Bikes

Motorbike Bicycle Conferences 2017

On 24, 25 and 26 October 2017 celebrated at the Educational Center in Road Safety these conferences of motorbikes and bicycles.

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International Day of Elderly People

Elderly 2017 Granada

On the morning of 3 October, in Plaza del Carmen, the Center of Road Safety of the City Council of Granda, Red Cross and the Official School of Psychology celebrate the Day of Elderly People.

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To school on Bike

Bicycle intercenters meeting

The Major thanks educational centers in Granada their involvement to achieve a substainable mobility.

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New schedule of bollard access control point

Bollard control access point in Pagés

Due to security reasons, there is an additional control to the one stablished in the municipal Ordinance in the bollard access control point of Elvira, Reyes Católicos, San Luis and Pagés.

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Granada joins Andalusian Bicycle Plan

Signing BAP Granada

Granada joins Andalusian Bicycle Plan with an investment of 2.50 million euros to create more than 10 kilometers bicycle lane.

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Renewal of bus fleet with 8 vehicles for Albaicín, Realejo and Sacromonte areas

New urban mini buses

The City Council renew bus fleet with 8 brand new vehicles for Albaicín, Realejo and Sacromonte areas. The have a EURO6 engine approved as the most efficient, both functional pov and substainability.

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Closure ceremony of the Educational Activities to improve Road Safety

The Major and the Delegate of Mobility in the Closure Ceremony of the course teached by the Center in Road Safety 2017

On Monday 12 June in the Plenary Room of the City Council celebrated the closure ceremony of the educational activities made by kids and joung people in different projects to improve Road Safety in Granada.

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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