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The XIII CYCLO ROUTE celebrates on April 26 2024 between 9:20 and 13:20 h, through the city of Granada, where around 1000 students, teachers, parents of will participate from different educational center

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Educational centers participant are: Ceip Federico García Lorca, Colegio Caja Granada, Ceip Genil, Ceip Eugenia de Montijo, Ceip Santa Juliana, Ceip Sierra Elvira, Ceip Sierra Nevada, Ceip Profesor Tierno Galván, Ceip Vicente Aleixandre, Ceip Virgen de as Nieves, IES Alhambra, IES Ángel Ganivet, Ceip Luis Rosales, IES Fray Luis de Granda, IES Generalife, IES Juan XXIII (la Chana y Zaidín), IES la Madraza, IES Veleta, IES Mariana Pineda, IES Miguel de Cervantes, IES Padre Manjón, IES Padre Suárez, IES Pedro Soto de Rojas, IES Politécnico Hermenegildo Lanz, IES Severo Ochoa, IES Virgen de las Nieves, IES Zaidín Vergeles, Centro Ciudad de los Niños.

Starting time is 09:20 hours from CEIP Sierra Nevada, and will follow to Parque Tico Medina, and will follow through bike lane, and will be incorporating the rest of educational centers until Diputación Provincial.

At 11:15 hours, will start from Diputación, c/ Periodista Rafael Gómez Mont, Glorieta Plaza Europa, Avda. Fco. Ayala, Avda. Luis Miranda Dávalos, Avda. Pulianas, c/ Ancha de Capuchinos, Avda. Del Hospicio, Gran Vía, Reyes Católicos, Recogidas, c/ Arabial, c/ Doctor Alejandro Otero, Centro Cultural Caja Granada, where the Closure Act will take part, and back to educational centers at 13:20 hours.

The development of the Cyclo Route creates punctual traffic and affections to traffic.


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