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Traffic cut in cuesta de la Alhacaba

Traffic cuts in cuesta de la Alhacaba (between Zenete St and carril de la Lona) take place several times on April and May 2024 according to the following schedule:

Concreting works: 3 traffic cuts on April and 2 on May 2024, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, four hours duration between 16:00 and 20:00 hours.

Levelling mortar: 1 traffic cut once partitioning phase is over, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, four hours duration between 16:00 and 20:00 hours.

Beam settlement: 1 traffic cut on on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, four hours duration between 16:00 and 20:00 hours.

While these cuts are being carried out, traffic will be rearranged as follows:

- closure of access from plaza del Triunfo to placeta de la Merced.

- change of traffic sense in Cruz de Arqueros St to allow vehicles coming from carril de la Lona or the high area of cuesta de Alhacaba get out.

Traffic must be regulated by operators, helping those vehicles going to garages in that section of the street, reopening street at the end of downloads.

File 11.333/24


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