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Traffic cut in Moral de la Magdalena St

Due date for traffic cuts in Moral de la Magdalena 33 (between Solarillo de Gracia and San Miguel Alta streets) will be one year since May 1st 2024.

* Land movement phase: during one month will be carried out intermittent traffic cuts between 9:30 and 13:30 hours or between 15:30 hours to 18:30 hours for three working days in non-consecutive weeks aproximately four hours duration on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

* Foundation phase and Retaining Walls: during three months will be carried out punctual traffic cuts in off peak hours, two working days in non-consecutive weeks to supply goods 3 or 4 hours duration, on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

* Enclosure phase and rest of works: will be eight months from the end of previous phase, making occasional cuts one hour duration each, between 9:30 and 13:30 hours or between 15:30 and 18:30 hours. Entrance and exit hours of schools should be avoided. The street can not be shut to traffic when works are not being carried out.

File 8.343/24


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