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Bus Route Planner

Route planner of Collective Public Urban Transport of Granada. Moovit. Other route planners

Bus Route Planner

Moovit en Granada

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The Mobility Area of the City Council of Granada, to implement this web application and for mobile devices, has developed the GTFS files of collective urban public transport of Granada. To get a better and reachable service for as many people as possible, it has been working with platforms and applications to include the public transport of Granada:


RAR file Download: gtfs.rar [1.268 KB]
ZIP file Download: [1.732 KB]
KML file Download of urban bus lines: lineas_bus.kml
KML of urban bus stops: paradas_bus.kml

Last update: 04/02/2025

Real time bus info

Thanks to the System of Assistance to the Exploitation of the Collective Urban Public Transport of Granada, we have the location of the urban buses and the estimation of the time of arrival at each stop of the next expeditions. This information can be consulted on the Transportes Rober website in the Fleet in Motion section.

Also, to facilitate consultation on mobile devices, you can find the same information in the Granadabus,Moovit and Imbric, available on the main platforms.

granadabus moovit moovit imbric

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