Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Worldwide Commemoration day of Victims in Traffic Accidents

Worldwide Commemoration day of Victims in Traffic Accidents in Granada 2015

On sunday 15 November 2015 took place a ceremony at Fuente de las Batallas in Granada for the Worldwide Commemoration day of Victims in Traffic Accidents.

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The City Council of Granada and MAPFRE approach Road Safety to 725 children of 17 schools

María Francés on the diploma ceremony at the MAPFRE Caravan of Road Safety

The MAPFRE Caravan of Road Safety will be installed in the terrace of Palacio de Congresos from 17 to 20 November 2015.

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Department of Mobility presents a new web

María Francés presents the new web of Mobility in Granada

From 3rd November 2015 is online a new version for Granada Department of Mobility website.

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XIV Motorbike Conferences and V Coexistence with Bicycles

María Francés at the Motorbike Conferences 2015

The Educational Center in Road Safety of the Citizen´s Protection and Mobility Area organise the XIV Motorbike Conferences and V Coexistence with bicycles, presided over María Francés and aimed at young bikers of our city.

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European Mobility Week 2015

Do the right mix. An initiative of the European Commission

European Mobility Week 2015, celebrating from 16 and 22 September, bets for the use of substainable transport on displacements.

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The City Council runs a traffic plan for the beggining of the school year

María Francés shows traffic plan for Granada

The activities carried out in the surroundings of schools and surveillance of Local Police will reinforce road safety and mobility.

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More than eleven thousand people join the activities of the Road Safety Center

Maria Francés shows the data about Road Safety in 2014/15

Elderly mean the part of the population that more increases the rate of accidents, as tendency shows with data obtained in the last years.

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Closing Ceremony of the Educational Activities in the Educational and Road Safety Center

Road safety education Granada Awards 2015

The closure of the course 2014/15 was on 18 june, presided by the Major of Granada,the Metropolitan Chief of Traffic, the Council of Citizens protection and Mobility and the Council of Education.

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III Meeting of Municipal Cyclist Mobility

Cyclist Meeting in Granada 2015

Organised by the Local Office of Mobility and Citizens Protection, through the Road Safety Center, and Granada al Pedal, have teached in this course 825 students (triple than last course).

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III World Road Safety Week

Road Safety World Week in Granada 2015

Celebration in the Road Safety Educational Center of the City Council of Granada of the III World Road Safety Week.

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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