Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Granada Ciclo Cívica

Granada Ciclo Cívica

The City Council of Granada promotes the use of cycles with educational workshops and a web:

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Free courses to learn to drive a bicycle


Learn to drive a bike in a safe mode, by teachers from Sports Sciences School, using Bikeability

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Easter Mobility Plan 2015

Easter 2015 in Granada

More than 1000 police officers to ensure the safety and secure of the city in the Holy Week of Granada. Parihuela Plan 2015 manages a huge presence, incluiding medical services, Public Safety and Red Cross.

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Busco Bus Granada - New app for tablets and smartphones

Busco Bus Granada

The new app Busco Bus Granada allows to know the best route on public urban transport of Granada through the web and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), both iOs and Android.

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A video to show young people damages of alcochol and drugs on drivers

At the wheel do not play, you only have one life

Road Safety Education will continue with regular proposals of prevention and education as meetings, round tables, workshops, focused on Secundary and High School students.

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New LAC stop in Americas Square

New bus stop at Américas Square

From the 23rd December 20104 the High Capacity Line increases it route to Americas Sq

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New lines on duty from 24th November

Bus lines map

Become operational lines SN3, SN4 and SN5. Lines C6, S2 and U1 modifies their routes. Also, lines N0, N2, S4 and S5 end it services.

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New Crossing with Traffic Lights in Ciencia Avenue

New traffic light crossing in Ciencia Avenue

The City council improves the access of residents of Cruz de lagos to the city removing a median strip in Ciencia Ave.

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Table discussions about Road Safety for the young people

Road Safety for Young People in Granada 2014/15

On 3rd November begins another activity arranged by the Local Road Safety Center focused on young people: Table discussions in High Schools of Granada.

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New bus lines: SN3, SN4 and SN5

SN3, SN4, SN5 lines of public transport in Granada

Granada has 5 direct bus lines that connect the main streets of South and North and the outlying districts without transfer.

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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