Low Emisions Zone
In accordance with Law 7/2021 of Climate Change and Energtic Transition, the City Council of Granada is in the process of implementation the Low Emission Zone. This implementation is made by legal requirement and to reduce toxic emissions and pollution of air for a better environment healthier and habitable. The Low Emission Zone in Granada Granada will come into force predictably on April 1st 2025 after the approval of new ordinance of mobility and the project of Low Emission Zone
On January 15 2025 is has been published on BOP of Granada the First Approval of the Ordinance of Sustainable Mobility for the City Council of Granada. Check the ordinance on the Edict Board at granada.org (File 17889/2024).
The Delegated Municipal Commision of Citizen´s Protection, Education, Social Politics and Family, in an extraordinay session celebrated on ten January 2025, adopted the resolution of file 17889/2024, of Mobility Area, where was first approved the Ordinance of Sustainable Mobility for the City Council of Granada.
And in compliance to article 49 of Law 7/1985, on April 2, Regulatory of Bases del Régimen Local, is was submitted to a public information process and hearing of the interested persons within 30 days from the following day to the publication of this announcement in Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Granada,for those interested persons could closely review the file and submit any claims that may proceed. Whithin this deadline will be at the disposal of stakeholders on the edict board of the electronic headquarters of municipal website www.granada.org and at the transparency of the City Council of Granada from the day of its publication, without prejudice to stakeholders to make themselves known within deadline at the Administrative Service of Mobility in Avda. De las Fuerzas Armadas s/n, administrative complex Los Mondragones, building B, second floor from 9:00h to 13:30h, where it colud be reviewed. After the deadline if there are no claims, this Agreement will be finally approved.
To the general public for information.
Text of first approval Mobility Ordinance [PDF].
You can make consults relative to LEZ at: zbe@granada.org.
The Low Emission Zone will cover an area of 23.55 km2 and will be limited by the following streets:
Not within the ZBE: The Ring Road (GR30), the Ronda SUR (A-395), Merced Alta (A-4006) and Avenida Santa María de la Alhambra.
Since entry into force, there will not have authorization to enter LEZ those vehicles that are not that have tax residence in the municipality of Granada and also do not have environmental badge. Vehicles without environmental badge are those fuel vehicles before 2001 and diesel vehicles before 2006.
Any vehicle with tax residence in Granada is allowed to Access LEZ regardless to its environmental badge.
On the other hand, any vehicle with B, C, ECO or Zero badge can also Access LEZ regardless o its tax residence.
Even though ordinance is currently on is pending, foreseeably will be contemplated the following exceptions:
Vehicles included that will not need previous municipal authorization.
Previous authorization capable of renewal:
Specific authorization:
From March 2025 urban public transport service will be reinforced. Interurban transport and Tram of Granada are also being reinforced at present. From the entry in force of LEZ, it is recommended to use parkings along the tram lane and in different municipalities as well and the use of public transport.
There will be no restrictions to enter for vehicles to acceed parkings in Granada
Public transport connections in this area:
Urban bus lines: 8,4,U3,S0,S2
Line 8 (PTS (Dílar)-Palacio de Deportes- Camino Alfacar), connected to bussinesses in the city center (Acera del Darro - Recogidas - Gran Vía) aprox. frequency is 4 to 12 minutes
Line 4 (Chana - Zaidín), connects the axis of Avda. Dílar with bussiness zone in the city center (Acera del Darro-Recogidas - Gran Vía) aprox. frequency is 7 to 10 minues
Line U3 (PTS - Campus de la Cartuja - Camino Alfacar), connects the axis of Avda. Dílar and Camino de Ronda (Bussiness Area Hipercor and Shopping Center Neptuno), this is an universitary line and it does not give service on weekends and bank holidays, nor August and aprox. frequency is 5 to 10 minutes.
Line S0 (Bola de Oro - PTS Salud), connects the axis of Avda Dílar and Serrallo shopping area, aprox. frequency 60 minutes on working days and Saturday mornings, no service on Sundays and bank holidays.
Line S2 (Villa Argaz - Centro), connects Serrallo shopping area and the shopping area in the city center (Acera del Darro), aprox. frequency is 15 to 20 minutes.
Tram: It has itinerary from Avda. Emperador Carlos V and Camino de Ronda.
In this zone operate the following urban lines: 5,9,11,25,U3,U2,C5
Line 5 (Beethoven – Parque Nueva Granada), connects Camino de Ronda and shopping area of Hipercor and Neptuno Shopping Center, aprox. frequency is 9 to 15 minutes.
Line 9 (Los Rebites - Chana), connects Camino de Ronda and shopping areas of Hipercor and Neptuno Shopping Center, also connects the shopping area in the city center (Acera del Darro- Recogidas), aprox. frequency is 7 to 12 minutes
Line 11 (Circular - Camino Ronda - City Hall -Gran Vía), connects the shopping area in Camino de Roda (Hipercor and Shopping center Neptuno) and the shopping area in the city center (Acera del Darro- Gran Vía), aprox. frequency is 11 to 15 minutes and Saturdays is 30 minutes.
Line 25(Alquería - Sport Center - Rosaleda - Gran Capitán), connects Camino de Ronda with the bussiness area of Hipercor, frequency of 60 minutes and on Saturday it only has service in the morning.
Line C5 (Neptuno - Center (Pavaneras)), connects the shopping area in Neptuno with shopping area in the city center (Recogidas St and Reyes Católicos), frequency is 60 minutes with no service at 12:00 h , nor between 16:00-18:00 h.
Line U2 (Campus Fuente Nueva - Cartuja), connects the shopping area of Hipercor, this is an universitary line and consequently it does not give service on weekends and bank holidays, nor in August and aprox. frequency is 6 to 15 minutes
Line U3 (PTS-Campus de la Cartuja - Camino Alfacar), connects Avda. Dílar and Camino de Ronda (shopping area Hipercor and Neptuno shopping center), no service on weekends and August. Aprox. frequency is 5 to 10 minutes
Tram: It has itinerary from the Avda. Emperador Carlos V and Camino de Ronda.
In this zone operate the following urban lines: N5
Line N5 (Modesto Mendoza-Joaquina Eguaras-Triunfo): Connection in Triunfo area to make transfer, aprox. frequency is 12 to 15 minutes.
Published on November 11 2024.
Updated January 15 2025.