Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Magic Bus 2019

Magic bus 2019

The City Council ad Transportes Rober puts, for the second year running in Paseo del Salón, the Magic Bus for the toy collection campaign.

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Seal of Quality of Substainable Urban Mobility for companies

seal environmental quality companies

The City Council approves to encourage the Seal of Qualilty of Substainable Urban Mobility for companies, an annual seal.

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City Council makes an arrangemet with FEMP to improve the processing of violations made by foreigner

proccessing violations foreigners

On 2018, there have been processed 43.000 files of violations of people resident out of Spain.

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Night buses will have stops under petition for women safety

Cesar Díaz presentation stops under petition buho bus

Users can ask the driver their precise destination in the usual itinerary of night bus so they can get off the bus closer to their address

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XVIII Motorcycle Conference and IX Coexistence with Bikes

motorcycles courses granada

On October 22, 23 and 24, 2019 the Motorcycling Days are held at the Traffic Education Center of the Granada City Council.

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European Project STARS award 6 school centers

European Project STARS Granada 2019

On Friday 20 September were delivered awards of the european project STARS to schools Juan XXIII Chana, San Isidoro, Andrés Segovia, IES Ganivet, Arrayanes and Padre Manjón.

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More substainable buses: 2 brand new hybrid models

hybrid buses granada

The Renovation Plan of the Public transport fleet, signed by the City Council and Rober company, has the agreement of the acquisition, in the months to come, of 39 hybrid thecnology buses.

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Drawing Exhibition: 25 Years Designing a New Mobility

Exhibition drawings mobility granada

During the European Mobility Week 2019, we held an Exhibition of Drawings on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Mobility Drawing Contest: Once upon a time a bus.

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Instagram Photo Contest #MueveteporGranada

instagram muevete por granada #mueveteporgranada sem2019

Check out the contest rules of the contest on Instagram #MueveteporGranada on the occasion of the European Mobility Week 2019.

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The City Council will incorporate 39 non polluting buses before June of next year

Presentation 39 new buses for Granada

The council of Mobility, César Díaz, affirm that this historic replacement improves an obsoleted fleet where more than 50 per cent of vehicles have more than 12 years.

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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