Center for the Complete Management of Mobility in the City of Granada in English

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Granada offers an app to pay all mobility services via phone

presentation imbric

Granada becomes the first spanish city with an app to pay via phone all mobility services. The councellor of Mobility and Citizen´s Safety, César Díaz, highlights that this new free app makes a step forward in sustainable mobility in the city.

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Shared Taxi Area between Granada, Cenes and Pulianas

shared area

Due to an agreement between Majors Luis Salvador, José Antonio Carranza and Juan Ramón Castellón, respectively; will allow taxis free circulation, collection and transport of passengers from the capital and the mentioned towns.

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Presentation of the European Mobility Week 2020

César Díaz SEM2020

On Wednesday 9th September 2020 is presented the programme of the European Mobility Week 2020 in Granada

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Granada Green: Raise awareness capaign to encourage people use sustainable vehicles

Granada Green

The City Council creates new campaign Granada Green to encourage the use of sustainable vehicles. This campaign is part of sustainable measures boosted by the City Council like the creation of new infrastuctures and the incorporation of hybrid urban buses

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21 New Hybrid Buses

New hybrid buses Granada

The City Council of Granada and Transportes Rober boost the renewal of their vehicle fleet.

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New Informative Electronic Panels

Informative Electronic Panels Granada

The City Council of Granada installes ten informative electronic panels about Mobility in several hot points in the city.

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Public transport in Granada obtains the AENOR Certificate against Covid-19

Aenor Rober

This certificate guarantee users and workers that Transportes Rober has implemented measures to make buses safe to travel.

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Proposal for the accession to BiciRegistro

César Díaz Biciregistro

The councellor of Mobility, César Díaz Ruiz, has presented the proposal for the accession to BiciRegistro, a network that, in cooperation with Colegio de Gestores Administrativos, allow to deter bike and PMV thefts.

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Presentation of the Low-Emission Zone in Granada

Presentation LEZ Granada Low Emission Zone

The City Council of Granada will implement a Low-Emission Zone (LEZ) to reduce pollution and make Granada a healthier city.

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We are ready. Back to bus

Campaign transportes rober

The staff of Transportes Rober company features this campaign to encourage the use of urban bus in Granada. This initiative is one of implemented by the City Council to boost substainable mobility.

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Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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